Use the Prayer Stretch for Better Posture

By | on August 3, 2022 | 5 Comments | Array


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5 Responses to “Use the Prayer Stretch for Better Posture”

  1. Dear Jeremy ,Your stretch exercise is fine ,but not for me:I have a full prothesis in each knee ,and Besides being on my knee caps is painful ,my amplitude of motion of the knees in the prayer position is only 90

    • Hi Raymond,
      You are correct. Anyone with a knee/hip prosthesis should consider another position to stretch and strengthen the upper back and shoulders. Sitting on a chair and placing your arms/hands on a table would have a similar effect for both exercises in the video.
      Jeremy Klinkhamer, PT

  2. January 19, 2017


    Jeremy, my issue is arthritis in the knees, so even a pillow would not be enough as the knees block at a wide angle. How about sitting on a gym bench and using the large ball (the way you describe sitting on a chair next to a table)?

    David Weinstein

  3. June 23, 2019


    Are there additional exercises for posture?


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