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What To Look For When You Practice
Paul Wilson
on July 6, 2014
Tags: golf swing practiceHow to Practice GolfPractice
Author Description
Paul Wilson is the creator of Swing Machine Golf and founder of Ignition Golf. Paul's golf swing technique is based on the Iron Byron swing machine. YouTube Channels: Paul Wilson Golf and Ignition Golf Tips. Please Join me on Google+
4 Responses to “What To Look For When You Practice”
July 7, 2014
johnhoyleGreetings Paul An update played 9 this afternoon best 9 i have had in many years.5 pars the rest bogys ,one double but im happy. This is how i did it. First watched david breslows eliminate the I tip next took two practice swings behind the ball saying out loud Coil and Touch Coil and Touch .At first i also said turn between coil and touch but it was a bit too much so i dropped it and just said coil and touch. Next ,at address i said soft grip and loose arms then started the back swing with coil and the down swing with touch.The results were amazing . The drives were long and straight mid irons were on felt so good . I know it really works .In the begining of trying to learn your method it was so strange when i did hit a shot your way i thought “How the hell did that happen” it just didnt seem right but i believed in the method and did not give up Now all i have to do is keep at it .Thanks coach looking forward each day now for more great tips from you and the team /Hoyle from northeastern ohio/
July 8, 2014
Paul WilsonJohn,
That’s great news. It is coming together. I like the simplified thought before your shots. Too many can be a problem.
Now, just be careful because as you start to play well you will get excited. If you start seeing thin, topped and sliced shots back it down to 50%. This will keep you loose.
Keep up the good work.
July 7, 2014
RaymondCHASTELPaul ,Is there a way to control the final position of the backswing at the top :parallel ,past parallel etc..
I have a way to control the “parallel” position :see the clubhead from the corner of my left eye at the top.
Is that correct or dangerous ?
July 8, 2014
Paul WilsonRaymond,
You should be basing your backswing length on the tightness of the coil. Once coiled tight you uncoil with the lower body. So look for the stretch in the left lat area. This will vary for all players. Younger supple players may go past parallel if they have a big shoulder turn. I am tighter so I am going to be around parallel or shorter.