Important – How To Practice Swing Changes

By | on August 4, 2017 | 26 Comments | Array


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Paul Wilson is the creator of Swing Machine Golf and founder of Ignition Golf. Paul's golf swing technique is based on the Iron Byron swing machine. YouTube Channels: Paul Wilson Golf and Ignition Golf Tips. Please Join me on Google+

26 Responses to “Important – How To Practice Swing Changes”

  1. August 6, 2012



    Thanks….this is a great tip…..its so easy to practice the wrong way!


    • August 8, 2012

      Paul Wilson

      Glad you liked it. It is so important to work on your golf swing the right way. It takes time and effort but it is well worth it.

  2. August 6, 2012


    excellent advice Paul…I am curious about students who show up for instruction from you and they all have the newest Driver with a 46″ shaft. Do you recommend they shorten the shaft so they can actually hit a fairway?

    Thanks, Jeff

    • August 8, 2012

      Paul Wilson

      I recommend they go to a good clubfitter. A driver can get so long you actually lose distance. They are getting longer and longer which is not necessarily a good thing.

  3. August 6, 2012


    Hi Paul,
    Thank you for this great advice. I will be one of the players doing this from now on! After my round last week, I see your point in checking positions with a pre-shot set of swings. Seems like a great thing to do in your pre-shot routine even on the course. I was hitting some really great pull shots when I realized I was un-coiling with the upper body instead of lower body. Then I finally let my arms fully extend after starting with the lower body and hit some incredible shots! It is amazing the different feeling of the release with loose wrists versus tight guiding wrists, and of course the result is very different also. I think this tip on practice will really help.
    Thanks, Mike

    • August 8, 2012

      Paul Wilson

      Glad you liked it Mike. I appreciate the feedback and support. I just have to get people to take it seriously and focus. This is a tough game to learn because everyone wants to hit. I have to convince everyone to do the practice swings. This really is the fastest way to get it.

  4. September 22, 2012



    I agree with Mike, this is a perfect ritual for practice and competing as well.

    Keep up the good work my friend, and I really appreciate all you’ve done with my golf swing. I love the profound statement you made at the closing on disc 4 of the ‘Swing Machine Golf’ DVD; “Thank you for trusting me with your golf swing.” That was precious, that was spiritual…!

    Joe Walker

    • September 24, 2012

      Paul Wilson

      Thanks Joe. I think I answered this already. Not sure though. Glad you liked that line. I meant it.

  5. September 24, 2012


    any suggestions on the proper way to warm up before a round?

    • September 25, 2012

      Paul Wilson

      Tim, when you go to warm up you should start and end with sand wedge shots. Once you hit a few SW shots you move up and hit some PW or 9 irons. Then once a little warmer you stick to 6 or 7 iron as you work on your swing. Then you save some balls for longer shots like fairway woods, hybrids or drivers. Then you warm down with SW again.

      If you are warming up before a round you go through the clubs again but make sure you do not pick a target and do not care where the ball is going. If you hit it well on the course it will be a disaster when you play. This is because your expectation levels get too high. Go to the range to warm up not to hit great shots. Hit the great shots when you play.

      Here are practice tips:

      Helicopter Drill:

      Warm Up Before Round:

      How To Practice At The Range:

  6. April 26, 2014


    Great tip. Thx for sharing all the great tips.
    They do take patience . I got so frustrated my last 3 rounds I played
    I admit I almost cancelled my membership . I became delusional during
    The winter break thinking I’d come out striping it just because I watched
    All the videos etc. They take time and focus, I sold my cavity back burner
    Irons and purchased mizuno mp63. Forged clubs.very hard to hit flush ,
    But I slowed down my swing and took out the arms and have been
    Concentrating on shaft lean from the past tip file. WOW. Is all I can say now
    What a new world of golf I have opened up. Great site no doubt. U mean
    Buizzness ! Life is good when ur playin good golf!! Thank you!

    • April 27, 2014

      Paul Wilson


      Watching the videos and working on the positions the right way are 2 different things. If you were hitting the positions exactly as I show you would be striping it. I would think your positioning is not quite there.

      Just focus on the feedback associated with each position. Do it in practice swing at home making sure they are perfect and you feel the exact feedback every time. It is all about doing the same positions every day, every shot over and over again until you don’t know any other way to do it.

      To work on the positions go to: SWING TIPS > FULL SWING all the positions are listed there.

      Keep at it. Anyone can do this. You just have to understand exactly what I want you to do and repeat it.

  7. April 26, 2014



    I think you answered here my question about warming up without hitting a ball at the range before a round. By practising the positions and getting them right, I will be more confident to start my rounds in a better way.

    I always grab a wedge at first, stretch and do the helicopter, then I start swinging 1/4, 1/2, full. Switch to the club I’m going to tee off and do the same but now I realised it’s much better to have a transition, let’s say with a 7, a 4 and then the driver, so I can get the feeling and swing checks properly.

  8. For to Many golfers ,playing golf is hitting or “beating” balls at the range .There’s a hell of a difference playing r

    • April 27, 2014

      Paul Wilson


      My position provide feedback to tell you that you are doing them exactly right. Doing them on the range or on the course should not matter. It is getting through to the person mentally that they need to be focusing on positions instead of trying to be the hero when they play and hit a few long balls. It is ingraining the positions to the point it never falls apart no matter where they are or what club they are hitting.

  9. Avatar photo

    April 26, 2014


    My wife and I are over 60 years of age and from your teachings we have developed a much better swing. As a matter of fact when it comes to practice we have decided to do the touch the knees and swing knee high twice before actually hitting the ball on the golf course. She has gained 20 yards in 3 months and I am still trying to catch up to her.

    Michel from Qu

    • April 27, 2014

      Paul Wilson


      That’s great news. Anyone can do this if they stop hitting so many balls and work on the positions. I love the practice swings before each shot. This is exactly how I want people working on it. After you do it for a while it becomes habit. It is just getting people to do it that is the hard part.

      For you, keep working on the turning the hips faster. This will give you more power to keep it up to your wife!

  10. Hi Paul,

    When I am working on touch the knee in the follow through position, should my left knee still be slightly flexed at impact and at impact where should the weight be distributed on my left foot? I am having a tendency to straighten up too soon and not getting enough weight on left foot at impact (or not in right place) – I am able to touch the knees and be in a good position in the follow through but my impact is very inconsistent.


  11. August 5, 2017


    When I signed up with a few years back I gave up going to the driving range and I only hit balls now when I play competition or socially. I practice entirely by following your tips using my back veranda window reflections and strict adherence to your instruction. I have in that period gone from a handicap of 36 to 17 and there is plenty of room for improvement. Now aged 67 I took up golf at 60 my goal is low teens.

    Many thanks and best wishes.


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      August 6, 2017

      Paul Wilson


      Good stuff. You see that not hitting balls works. I have been saying this for 25 years yet few do them.

      At a 17 handicap I would think you are still not doing them exactly right. I would do a swing analysis with my assistant so he can let you know what to work on. This way you are not guessing or wasting any time.

      Find out more here:

  12. Avatar photo

    August 16, 2017


    Well I like where this practice swing takes me!
    3 practice swings with a couple of “say yes” involved in each, it makes a much better practice time on the range. And the best part is the mind relaxation where I don’t care where the ball goes and I get to “say yes” on a good golf swing. 🙂

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      August 16, 2017

      Paul Wilson


      Very good. I love it when people listen to me and do practice swings. My new line is … if you can’t do it in practice swings … you can’t do it in reality.

  13. September 30, 2017



    Great reminder tip for those who have had to take some time off from the game. Definitely speeds the ‘recovery’ to better habits.

    Complete trust in what you are teaching, Yoda. 😉


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      September 30, 2017

      Paul Wilson


      how to practice is huge. Most people do not do it right. This is why they struggle. Everyone wants it immediately without working on it. Working on your swing is work.

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