How To Practice Chipping Before You Play

By | on March 21, 2016 | 15 Comments | Array


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Paul Wilson is the creator of Swing Machine Golf and founder of Ignition Golf. Paul's golf swing technique is based on the Iron Byron swing machine. YouTube Channels: Paul Wilson Golf and Ignition Golf Tips. Please Join me on Google+

15 Responses to “How To Practice Chipping Before You Play”

  1. March 22, 2016


    Guys i have watched the ratio video and am just a little confused. I understand the sand wedge is a 1 part carry and 1 part roll. what i’m confused with is on the ratio video you counted off 5 paces to one yard on the green then 5 paces to the hole fore the roll. is that the normal rool for a sand wedge?

    • March 23, 2016

      Paul Wilson


      The 1:1 ratio is from anywhere. Go back 10 paces it would roll 10 paces when it hits the green. If you hit the front of the green from as close or as far back as you are (within reason) it will roll just as far. This applies to other ratios as well.

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    March 22, 2016


    Well done Paul. Very practical tip for warming up one’s chipping. I will do this one now that I know it. Do you have anything on upward lie chips? How about downward lie chips. I get these, it seems, a lot. In fact, is there a way I can see or find ALLl your chipping tip videos?
    Thank you Paul.

    • March 23, 2016

      Paul Wilson


      No I don’t have these tips yet. Just add or subtrack one from the ratio when you hit from these lies. You really aren’t changing much because you still need to do my technique.

  3. Excellent warm up drill before you go playing.
    Two questions :
    -you open your stance to chip :by what angle ?20° or more ?
    – when you play a round ,it slows down the play to pace off the distances to the front green ,then to the pin ..I don’t pace when I play ,I just evaluate the ratio with my eyes ,it’s more or less accurate of course but it doesn’t inconvenience your playing partners .What do you do yourself when you play?

    • March 23, 2016

      Paul Wilson


      You open your stance by dropping the foot back a little to where you are comfortable. I drop it back about 3 inches.

      You need to eyeball the distance to the green then how far the pin in on the green. I have another way to do it but I haven’t shot that tip yet. Will be doing it soon.

  4. March 22, 2016


    Watching these tips are is a ^Must Do^ job in my opinion to make any progress.
    I really like and appreciate them and think they make a big difference from the teaching offered by others

  5. Hi Paul, just wondering about having three used balls for this warmup drill…why can’t you grab any three balls from your bag – used or new and different balls each time? Thanks. – Mike

    • March 22, 2016


      You want to practice with the type of balls you play a round with. A ProV1 feels like butter compared to a Slazenger. Choose a type that fits your game/budget and stick with it…both practice; warm-ups & in rounds. It will translate to the course.

    • March 23, 2016

      Paul Wilson


      You use 3 old balls so you don’t beat up new ones and you always have them in your bag.

  6. March 22, 2016


    Very practical tip Paul. Love these type of tips on practice habits and gameplay.

    • March 23, 2016

      Paul Wilson


      Thanks. Glad you liked it. Hope you’re doing well. You should be shooting 75 by now. Well, 75 by this summer.

  7. March 24, 2017


    Hi {Paul,

    Great tip for chipping. So if the ratio is 1-1 for Sand wedge and 1-3 for 9 iron
    how does that translate to pitching wedge and the other irons?

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