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Power: Turn the Lead Foot Out for More Power
Paul Wilson
on March 28, 2024
Tags: golf foot positionmore power golf swingpower
Author Description
Paul Wilson is the creator of Swing Machine Golf and founder of Ignition Golf. Paul's golf swing technique is based on the Iron Byron swing machine. YouTube Channels: Paul Wilson Golf and Ignition Golf Tips. Please Join me on Google+
9 Responses to “Power: Turn the Lead Foot Out for More Power”
September 28, 2012
jimmarlowGreat tip Paul
I have noticed that my left forefoot is spinning left in my downswing. I know that because when I practice on damp turf I can see the marks on the grass created by my spikes that extend 3 or 4 inches from where I originally started and my left foot is pointing more towards the target. A friend of mine told mr that he sometimes sees my left heal come up on my downswing. I often feel that there is too much weight out on my toes in my swing. Is it just a matter of mind over matter in keeping my weight back throughout the swing or is there something else going on?
September 28, 2012
Paul WilsonJim, If this foot is moving you need a little more weight on this foot through impact. This means you are hanging back on the back foot a little too much. So do some practice swings and feel more weight on this foot (about 70%+) at impact and about 90% just after impact.
So this is you doing tons of practice swing focus on your foot work. If the foot is still twisting put a stake in the ground off the left baby toe and do swings that way. If there is an object there no way is it going to be moving.
Just keep doing slow easy swings and start getting used to this. It is very tricky and will take a while so keep it slow and focus on the where the weight is throughout the swing.
Weight Distribution:
September 28, 2012
roymatthewsWow, this may answer my question on swing speed. My weight does shift but my body immediately throws the weight back. This happens, I think because of a weak left ankle. I know my foot is slipping, but never thought that would affect power since the ball has already been struck.
In your last post to me, you suggested that I do the ‘Listen to Club Swinging’ drill. What that taught me is that there was no pitch increase unless I deliberately turned my shoulders at an increased rotational rate. For me, that could never happen just from the hip rotation. As I previously mentioned, that seems wrong in theory since the swing machine axle (drive shaft) turns at the same rate and that is what you preach.
So based on this revelation, I guess I need to work on holding my weight on the forward foot. Maybe, I’ll wear a ski boot??
September 29, 2012
Paul WilsonRoy,
This weight does need to be shifting into this foot so however you do it make it happen. If you hang back on that back foot a host of problems will be occurring. I see fat shots, hitting it too high, hitting with arms, lack of power etc. This will be a little tricky especially with the ankle issue so be careful and slowly build it up. I think you have seen the power increase and you get it so keep at it.
September 29, 2012
PaulSacchettiHi Paul,
Another great tip. I have a question about the powerless arms. Obviously when I turn back my arms (at least the triceps of the left arm) must be active or the club will not lift. In your book you talk about the connection drill to keep the arms connected to the chest. To me this is the triceps and peck squeezing together. So this is not really powerless. To stay connected this pressure must be maintained throughout the swing. Is the powerless related to the forearms and biceps. I’m confused.
September 29, 2012
Paul WilsonPaul,
You are not taking into account momentum. So if you do nothing to the mass it will keep going back. This means it will start to go up. I want you to go from the 3/4 back point to the top by manually lifting it into position at first. This will stop it from being too flat. Once you get used to it going up it will go there on its own.
To get to the top the left arm must ride up the peck a little although this pressure is still felt. If you keep i too jammed in you will be too flat in the backswing.
Keep in mind that powerless arms means you are not going to hit or help the shot in any way with your arms. You can still do this will your arms muscles tight. Try it. Stand up. Clench your fist. Turn your shoulders left then right. When you do you will see your arm move although you did not move it. This is powerless. I would prefer the arms to be relaxed because if they are it will allow you wrists to be loose. The looser they are the faster the club will swing.
Also, keep in mind the machine does not do a backswing. It does a downswing. You are doing my backswing so you get in a good position to come down. To get this your arms will be extended at setup. You turn your shoulders to get the club moving in a one-piece action. This will get it to halfway back. The club will keep swing due to momentum. From halfway back to 3/4 back the loose wrists will start hinging a little. From 3/4 to the top the shoulders are still turning the arm will continue to rise and momentum will hinge the loose wrists until they cannot hinge any more due to the bones in your wrist.
If you want to learn this top of the backswing quicker manually do one of these 3 things:
3 Ways to Set The Top of the Backswing:
Once you train the arms and wrists you turn them off and base your backswing on this:
September 30, 2012
PaulSacchettiOK Paul
I think I got it. So it should always feel like my body is moving my arms, not the other way around. The back swing is not critical as long as I get I the proper top position. I noticed if I keep my left arm swinging close to my chest the connection is much easier to feel. If I let my arms separate then driving my arms with my body is impossible. The only problem with this is that it is very difficult to get upright enough and still keep my arm close to my chest. I may need to work on flex ability.
Thanks Paul
October 1, 2012
Paul WilsonPaul,
Yes, you should always feel your body first then the hands and arms follow. They are powerless so they are going along for the ride.
The backswing puts you in a good position to start down. A good backswing eliminates the need for other flaws in your swing. You cannot have one flaw. You need a compensation for the first flaw. This way the ball gets back on line.
Flexibility is always good to work on. Just make sure you check your setup in a mirror. This way you will not be overdoing it. Keeping the connection should not be too hard to feel.
April 17, 2021
BrianMcCardelPaul, some people just have less rotation at the hip, and it typically gets worse as we age. The suggestion to turn forward foot further out is a great one.