Power: How The Top of the Backswing Affects Power

By | on September 8, 2024 | 11 Comments | Array


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Paul Wilson is the creator of Swing Machine Golf and founder of Ignition Golf. Paul's golf swing technique is based on the Iron Byron swing machine. YouTube Channels: Paul Wilson Golf and Ignition Golf Tips. Please Join me on Google+

11 Responses to “Power: How The Top of the Backswing Affects Power”

  1. September 12, 2012


    Hi Paul,
    Man this tip really hit home. I was having some success, but not consistent. so I went back to your basic’s and noted a flaw in my grip. My left hand thumb was not In my life-line but much lower toward the fingers. A few tips ago I asked you about long fingers and if they could cause a faulty grip. In any event by going back to a good grip and a one piece take-a-way the club become square at the top and what a great result in shot direction. I see what you mean by practice, practice, practice until it becomes habit!
    Thanks, Mike

    • September 14, 2012

      Paul Wilson

      Mike, Long fingers can make the grip a little tricky. If this is you, you need the right size grips and work on perfect placement of the hands on the club. I have never had a problem getting larger hands in the right position. Just keep checking it over and over so it does not get out of whack.

  2. September 12, 2012


    Hi Paul
    This tip provokes a question that I have had for awhile. I do your favorite preshot drill of making practice swings with the club above the ground and love the relaxed tempo that gives me. It’s hard for me to get that same smooth tempo when the plane becomes more upright. noticed that drill gives me a much flatter backswing than when I swing to hit the ball. Would you recommend trying to flatten that swing so it more closely resembles my above ground practice swing?

  3. September 12, 2012


    Hi Paul

    I have a tendency to hit low balls with my 3wood. On my course on the 7th hole I need to hit a high ball to cut on the left side and fly the ball above a net that separates the fairway from the practice range. If my ball hit the net it’s a penalty my ball is in the practice range !!!

  4. September 12, 2012


    Is it possible to manually close the face of the club in the backswing when hinging your wrist? is it valid as well? I

    • September 14, 2012

      Paul Wilson


      This is a band aid that will never work on the future. Sure, you are seeing results now because hitting the ball with the face squaring takes loft off the club. Compared to slicing these shots are great. Unfortunately, you are now manipulating the clubface. If the face is open or closed just a couple of degrees this is huge in the distance therefore it is very inconsistent.

      You should be working on the taking it away perfectly but getting the wrists looser down and through impact. You do that by working on this:

      Manually Square the Clubface: https://ignitiongolf.com/impact-squaring-clubface

      Manually Square the Clubface (Follow Up): https://ignitiongolf.com/impact-squaring-face-follow-up

      Once you work in this you straighten out your shots by starting the lower body first.

  5. September 13, 2012


    Hi Paul, have the club sqaure and the right grip but still tend to hit high shots with either wood or iron. The local pro seems to think this isn’t a problem but if I could lower the trajectory I am sure I could get another twenty yards. As in previous tips I don’t want to lower the tee so achieve this?

  6. Excellent points… extremely well explained. I have watched many people try & explain the correlation between your grip & your face position at the top of the backswing… most points get lost in the explanation. You made it very easy to understand. Great job Paul…

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