Power Leaks – Setup Position

By | on March 29, 2024 | 21 Comments | Array


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Paul Wilson is the creator of Swing Machine Golf and founder of Ignition Golf. Paul's golf swing technique is based on the Iron Byron swing machine. YouTube Channels: Paul Wilson Golf and Ignition Golf Tips. Please Join me on Google+

21 Responses to “Power Leaks – Setup Position”

  1. December 13, 2015



    You have published and authored hundreds of golf tip. I Have noticed
    several of your members comment and maybe a bit frustrated by the
    amount of tips that you publish. And how to follow all theses tips that
    can be overwhelming and confusing.

    I have been following your technique for many years . In addition to
    the basic fundamental issue of powerless arms and touching the knees
    there has been a wealth of tips / techniques and ideas. I do not believe
    they are meant to apply specifically and literally to every person and
    swing. I believed they are keys to help the golfer address an issue that
    faces them.

    For me the most significant tips were:

    – How to get out of the sand…( a big one)
    – Chip and pitch shots…. ( 70% of my shots are within about 10 yards
    from the green , short, left, right or long.)
    – And , this amazingly made a huge different for me ….Say Yes then Swing.

    It seems like every thing fell in place once I made sure I transferred
    the weight to the trailing foot and pushed off with it to transfer
    weight and touch the knees / turn the hips / straighten the front leg .

    Basically this tip has taken away any focus I had from the hands, club,
    arms, turn, etc., and focused on this simple drill / tip. I am hitting
    my longest drives but more importantly my STRAIGHTEST shots.

    I began to wonder why and tried to break it down … which was fruitless.
    So now I only focus on this ….Say Yes Then Swing. And enjoying what
    this tip did for me.

    So for all those that are concerned about the so many and good tips and
    swing thoughts , just embrace what works for you and enjoy the ride / game. And when it gets ugly out there , and it will, go back and review what is meaningful for you.

  2. December 14, 2015


    Hey Paul
    I’ve noticed that my left elbow ( leftie ) tucks right into my body/ribs during the downswing
    Is this meant to happen?
    Many thanks

    • December 14, 2015

      Paul Wilson


      This should not be happening. I just did a couple of swings and in no way am I doing this. The only way I could do it is if I chicken winged it. I would check this immediately. We do swing analysis. This would be a good time to get one.

  3. December 15, 2015


    In this set up position, will I have my weight on my toes?

  4. Hi Paul,
    I too have been a member for probably over 5 years, great in sight to the dashboard, I purchased your original instruction videos, which I still prefer your short game and putting videos over the latest daily videos, just a personal preference, that being said, still really follow your instruction and provides valuable instruction looking forward to your latest dashboard releases

    • Gary,

      The dashboard is already running. That was re-run of a tip from a while ago. Just go below any top. I have the dashboard build right in now. You can watch the video on the members page to learn how to use it if you don’t already know.


  5. The origin of power for the golf swing can originate from those parts of the body which can deliver it :
    -the lower body ,feet and legs
    -the core
    -the arms
    -the hands
    Each golfer has a different swing ,based on where he can find power .
    The hands are frequently misused ,while great golfers made best use of them :SEVE BALlESTEROS TOMMY ARMOUR ,JOSE MARIA OLAZBAL .
    You and most golf teachers emphasize the use of the core ,but it’s up to each of us to maximize our physical resources ,some have very strong legs ,others not .Some have powerful hands and wrists (The SPANIARDS who play “pelota”) ,others not and so on .
    When perusing golf books of ancient fine players ,JOYCE WETHERHED ,MICKEY WRIGHT ,BOBBY JONES ,HENRY PICARD ,ALEX MORRISON ,you see a wide variety of techniques ,many utilize the transfer of weight from one leg to another ,the use of more upright swings than today,less “muscling ” of the swing than today’s champions (There’s no BRUCE KOEPKA and his brute force among them )
    I truly beieve there’s a more “elegant “way to play golf than what is currently taught today .
    BOBBY JONES was a long hitter for his day and he was no athlete ,nor did he work like hell lifting weights and pulling elastic bands .Nobody ever saw BEN HOGAN developing his physical strength .
    Ladis sen the bal far and are no great athlètes ….

  6. Hi Paul
    always worthwhile recapping the set up position, as its all to easy to fall into old habits and start bending over too much.

    re new items for your site, i think you ought to have a general forum for members, we could then as a group discuss our experiences and also ask questions of other members and yourself,
    Cheers and thanks

  7. June 28, 2019


    I notice for the driver your club head is a few inches behind th ball rather than right at the ball. What is the difference, if any, in contacting the ball?

    • Ken,

      I do this because I don’t like knocking the ball off the tee. I have teed up millions of golf balls. Trying to save my hip.

  8. June 29, 2019

    Steven D

    Hi Paul:
    I was using the Dashboard regularly a couple or more years ago but I was under the impression that it had been discontinued when you switched to a different server (or something.) When I click on it now, I see a page with a list of a few recent tips and a few recent comments. No access to tips or anything. Just a bunch of info about WordPress and a survey that I don’t wish to take. What’s going on?

  9. July 10, 2019


    Good point about the dashboard which I do use from time to time. I suggest a category of tips which contain slo-mo videos as not so many tips contain these and they are really hard to find.
    From time to time I really like to see these as I find them great reminders of what you spend a lot of time talking about, and as they say: “a picture is worth a thousand words”.

  10. Hi Paul

    I DO use the Dashboard and have wondered, if for newbies (who have not purchased a package), they would benefit from a structured development programme of sequential tips to help them build a swing in a way that gives positive feedback so encouraging them to continue. There could be a “Beginners Level”, “Improvers Level” ………

    Food for thought?

    Just one more thing, a niggle. I am a Brit, so the “Howdy……..” on the top right appears both folksy and quaint.
    I do so like your work.

  11. December 3, 2019


    I find that when I set up as tall as I think I should, I look under my glasses to see the ball. Is that correct?

    • Avatar photo

      December 4, 2019

      Paul Wilson


      Not sure about your glasses but some people do. Just look down then start looking up until you don’t clearly see you toes. I see mine in my peripheral vision. I do not clearly see them. Too tall a setup is a problem too so be careful.

  12. December 3, 2019


    How do you feel about using a weighted donut to loosen up before practice or a round?

    • Avatar photo

      December 4, 2019

      Paul Wilson


      It has already been proven that if you swing a weighted club (donut) you will loose distance. Search youtube for sports science baseball. golf is halfway through. Also, keep in mind that I want your club to feel heavy when you swing it. So if you swing a heavy object your clubs will feel light which is the opposite feeling.

  13. December 4, 2019


    That’s what I was thinking.

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