Power Leak Series – Backswing Coil

By | on June 22, 2024 | 30 Comments | Array


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Paul Wilson is the creator of Swing Machine Golf and founder of Ignition Golf. Paul's golf swing technique is based on the Iron Byron swing machine. YouTube Channels: Paul Wilson Golf and Ignition Golf Tips. Please Join me on Google+

30 Responses to “Power Leak Series – Backswing Coil”

  1. December 20, 2015


    Great tip. I have been feeling like I was getting stuck and could not get back to the back without pushing or slicing the ball. I tried loosening my wrists more to compensate, but that resulting releasing too much or hard and snap hooking the shot. I believe you have hit on the problem I am having is over rotation of the hips, loss of power, and pushing the ball some. Yesterday, before reading this tip, I hit some good drives and short irons by feeling like I had turned my shoulders more while using a little wider stance. I did feel more tension due to torque of the shoulders relative the hip turn. Thanks for the good tip. Merry Christmas!!!!

    • December 22, 2015

      Paul Wilson


      Merry Christmas Too!

      Glad you liked it. As soon as you see these flaws showing up just check the DASHBOARD under CURES. All cures are listed there. I really want people to know how to fix their own swing.

      Torque is very important in no only distance but consistency too. Keep feeling it on every full swing.

  2. December 21, 2015


    Using this Spring analogy to get your torque, when you unwind using your right foot do you further increase the tightening of the spring when moving your right knee towards your left knee. You at one point demonstrated using a headcover by turning it using it to look like a spring then you let it unwind but did you turn the bottom of the headcover to further tighten the spring when going in the opposite direction for the downswing At what point in the downswing using your lower body to initiate the turn would you say the spring starts to unwind toward impact.

    • December 22, 2015

      Paul Wilson


      Unwinding in the other direction compresses the spring to make it uncoil faster. Long drivers actually move in 2 directions at once compressing it further. You would be unwinding as the arms hit parallel to the ground. By then your hips are back to the ball and the shoulders are still coiled. Take a look:

      Full Swing Top Down View: https://ignitiongolf.com/full-swing-top-view/

  3. December 24, 2015


    i can only echo what Larry said above. i felt there was a disconnect between my shoulders and legs and i may have asked you about it in an narticulate way, or maybe i didn’t fully understand your reply. In any event, this is brilliant. i can easily watch for this. All of the consequences of the problem that you mentioned are what i have been experiencing. i’m looking forward to implementing the change. By the way, i bought Pete’s video lesson as Christmas gift for myself. Come the new year, a better swing,

    • December 24, 2015

      Paul Wilson


      Glad you liked it. Thanks.

      Glad you got the video lesson from Pete. Funny how people would rather struggle than get us to look at it and make sure they are doing things right. Stay focused and it will be a great 2016.

  4. December 25, 2015


    i still intend to get a lesson from the master, but with this i’ll be farther along so that you can improve my swing without having to start from scratch.

    • December 27, 2015

      Paul Wilson


      Just let me know if you can make it. It would be a pleasure working with you.

  5. December 29, 2015


    I now realize that I turn my hips too much. What are some drills to stabilize my hips.



  6. January 12, 2016


    Hey Paul. Brandle Chamblee writes on p.76 of the current Golf magazine his observations on the swings of the ‘old masters’ Nicklaus,Jones,Hagen,etc that they lifted their left front foot in the backswing to get more club speed presumably with the more primitively clubs aand recommends that more current average players adopt it. If you don’t have access to the mag I could scan this piece and send it along. I’d be interested in how this would affect your ‘coil’ thinking–. Pat

    • January 13, 2016

      Paul Wilson


      Like anything, times change. Back then we didn’t understand the golf swing as we do now. I am okay with the heel lifting a little but you cannot lose the ratio between the shoulders, hips, knees and feet. You need torque. You coil and uncoil. This gives you power and consistency.

      He is telling amateurs to do that so they take a longer swing. If you do, you will get the arms in play and will continue to just whack at the ball with your arms. The things is, I guarantee you have hit one shot in your life 30-50 yards farther than any other shot and it felt effortless. Why not learn that swing. Oh yeah, I teach that swing.

      Other advice: Never get lessons from Tour Players or Rocket Scientists. They have no clue what they are talking about. Unless you have taught tens of thousands or people you have no clue.

    • The left heel lift serves two purposes:rotate more ,and more important ,use better ground leverage in the forward swing by driving left heel and left leg into the ground ;
      See the beautiful swings of MICKEY WRIGHT and GENE LITTLER ,US OPEN CHAMPIONS .

  7. Paul,
    I’m working on coiling first as I tend to coil while lifting, which is not consistent and has the club coming back on an upright path. I do this mainly with my longer clubs, such as the driver. Are there any videos which address this? If not should I do your video analysis I see on your website or is there something else?

  8. I’m really struggling with this
    I’ve not once ever felt tight in the lat mussel
    Doesn’t matter what I try my hips have hardly turned and I still don’t get it
    I only feel tight in my back shoulder
    Or end up with pain in my lower back
    I’m not sure what to do
    I’m at a loss with the game at the moment
    It’s really beat me down!

    • David,

      Quit struggling. It’s not that hard. Coil your shoulders with a stable lower body. Feel it where you feel it just so long as it’s tight. I have had the odd person who feels it just above their right hip. This is until I grab their lower body and get them to crank the shoulders. Then they feel it in the forward lat. If it hurts you’re doing it wrong. Just slowly start to get it by stabilizing the lower and doing your backswing. At least this will start to get the lower body moving less. Get used to this then feel the flex in the back knee. By then it should be looking pretty good so you should start feeling the tighter coil. In other words just work on it in pieces and at a slower pace. You don’t have to do it all a once.

  9. Paul,
    i find when i coil back and get that tightness in my left arm, it is difficult to turn them powerless. Does turning them off come with repeated practice, or is there some way you figured out how to overcome this?

  10. Hi Paul,
    i watched the tip you suggested and i have come away with this conclusion: You are “locking'[ your shoulder from address to backswing to follow-through. When I look at Iron Byron i thought the arms were to be free at the shoulder like the wrists are free. So i would take the club back to where my shoulders stop and my arms would continue back to their natural stop. Then i start the uncoiling with my lower body. When i did it right, my arms followed in the uncoiling. What you are saying is the arms don’t go any further back than where the shoulders stop turning. If i have misinterpreted your teaching in this tip, then a bit more explanation is needed. Sorry to be a problem student.

    • Terry,

      You coil your body back. The arms starts moving. The club gets to about 3/4 back as you are still coiling. As you continue to coil you must also allow the wrists to fully hinge. By the time they do that you would have coiled approx 90 degrees or however far you can coil back. Once coiled you uncoil with the lower body the other way.

      So the moral of the story is, I want you to coil back as far as you can coil back. This will differ from person to person. Some are tight some are more flexible. You need to find out how much you can coil back the the wrists fully hinged. Once you do, this is the top of your backswing.

      When I see people with a backswing that is too short they rarely do this short backswing with wrists that are fully hinged. They sometimes just don’t coil back enough. When people do a long backswing they are looking for power in their arms. So they coil to the point they cannot coil anymore then they keep lifting their arms up. So the arms end up moving more than the shoulders told them to move. Now the arms have to pull down to catch back up to the shoulders resulting in hitting with the arms.

      Find out how far you can coil until you feel this tight feeling. Fully hinge your wrists. At this point when you do both of these things you are at the top.

  11. Hi Paul,
    i guess i am not asking the question correctly. This is very important to get an answer for me, because i may have been doing this wrong for the past two years.
    i understand about the wrists, that is not the problem. Do the arms swing back independently, or are they locked in place at address with the shoulders? i have seen you swing the club from side to side and the arms are relaxed, so i assumed that was the way they were in the swing. Please clarify because if i am doing it wrong i want to clean it up now. i tried a few shots with the arms locked to the shoulders and i couldn’t hit a thing. i topped them all.

  12. Hi Paul,
    i watched all of those tips and the Stay Connected tip which really clarified it for me. i have been doing it wrong. i think at one time i was doing it right, but may have lost it trying to work on some other tip. Is there a conscious aspect to the lead arm rising up on the more upright swing or is it something that is a result of the back elbow becoming untucked?

    • Terry,

      If your swing was too flat you would consciously lift it up into position slightly above the shoulder line. Once you have trained it to go up there, it would go up there on its own.

      You can either lift it or think of the back elbow. It’s up to you. I got in about 2 weeks after I tried a flat swing for a while.

  13. Paul
    Ineed something to help me quit peeking at my
    Backswing i think it is making me get on my toes when i coil up help please some times i doulble swing

  14. Excellent basic lesson on the “torque ” and amount of torque to obtain .
    To get the best out of the torque ,fix solidly the lower base of the spring into the ground .To do so ,brace the right leg immediately at address .and keep it braced when you turn ,then push off the right instep in the forward swing so as to plant energetically the forward left foot into the ground while pulling the left leg straight up (Or kicking the left cheek back ).You must use the leverage of the ground to get the best effect ;You can train the left leg bracing process by putting a golf ball under your right outstep. .40 years ago JIM Mc LEAN even Invented a”tilted shoe” to teach the bracing of the right leg

  15. November 4, 2021


    This is one tip I really like Paul and indeed when I follow your advice on the range I find my swing is so much better and I marvel the difference it makes ! My main difficulty is(,and I’m sure am not the only one)is that my lovely loose, effortless and fully coiled swing goes AWOL whenever I get onto the course. Is there any advice you might have which could help me with this situation please ?

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      November 16, 2021

      Paul Wilson

      You want to start by playing a few rounds of golf by your self, probably at the evening time when there are less people on the course. Keep 3 golf balls in your pocket and then if your first one doesn’t work then try a couple more but you have to try the effortless swing on the golf course. Go slower and then force yourself to do the new swing. You need to see for yourself and trust it on the golf course. When on the golf course there are consequences vs the driving range, so having the extra balls and not keeping score will allow you to focus on the swing not the result.

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