The Myth of Positive Thinking

By | on March 27, 2017 | 4 Comments | Array


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4 Responses to “The Myth of Positive Thinking”

  1. February 10, 2015


    One of your best videos yet!!! I just purchased Wired To Win and have listened to your first two sessions. This is the first time I really understood what you were saying. Previously I thought your ideas were good and logical, but not something I could grasp onto because of all my life experiences baggage eventually came back in to prevent real change. What site members have to realize is that you and Paul are not providing tips, you are providing life and golf swing changes are mind and body want to resist due to prior life and physical experiences. There are reasons we are in our maze, but there is also a way out if we are willing to change from the past and stop and be aware before we react.

    • February 10, 2015

      Paul Wilson


      Here is a reply from David:

      Hi Randy!

      You are one of the golfers who took the free session. I remember you! I know it’s difficult for most golfers to believe they don’t need more tips–but you now know it from experience. So, I’m guessing you are more awake AND not leaking your precious mental, physical or emotional energy!

      It gets better from there! Keep Going

  2. February 10, 2015


    I thought I watched one of your tips in the past that said not to use want in your thought process as want implies something that is unattainable. I believe you said to use expect or desire. So would that also be true in this tip?

  3. March 31, 2017


    Thanks for an extremely interesting insight! I can think of so many areas of living where it probably applies…

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