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Playing Lesson – Distractions
Paul Wilson
on April 12, 2024
Tags: distraction sin golfplaying lessons golfPlaying Tipspre-shot routine golf
Author Description
Paul Wilson is the creator of Swing Machine Golf and founder of Ignition Golf. Paul's golf swing technique is based on the Iron Byron swing machine. YouTube Channels: Paul Wilson Golf and Ignition Golf Tips. Please Join me on Google+
8 Responses to “Playing Lesson – Distractions”
October 12, 2017
JohnBensonSince this is a real first year that I’ve been playing, I play by myself. My biggest distraction in the morning are the maintenance men. Leave blowers and lawnmowers… Loud!
Also they are supposed to stop so you can make your shot but how annoying when they just watch you while I’m trying to make a beginner swing.
Good thing about it is that I’ve received a couple compliments. One on my swing and one I made a par three and he said good shot!
October 15, 2017
Paul WilsonJohn,
You have to get used to these distractions. I don’t mind lots of or continuous noise. It is when it is quiet and someone makes a noise that blows my concentration.
Don’t worry about them watching you. They have seen a million swings and are not even paying attention.
Are You Nervous On The First Tee?:
The compliments are telling you that you are getting it. This will continue long into the future.
How To Tell If You Have An Ugly Swing:
July 11, 2018
RickShroutPaul is there a tip about ball position with the driver I notice in some of your video’s it looks like when you set your feet with the driver you take a pretty good sized step with your left foot
July 11, 2018
Paul WilsonRick,
Any of these tips you can just enter in the search box on the right side of the navigation bar. Just type in what you are looking for and every tip I have ever done it will come up.
Ball Position:
Easy Way To Check Ball Position:
Practice Your Ball Position and Width of Stance:
Easy Way to Check Width of Stance:
March 28, 2019
SueTeeHi Paul, I too used to try to ignore distractions and continue to hit – 99% of the time I regretted it, so I have learned to be patient, stop, regroup my focus and restart my pre-shot routine – I no longer care if my playing partners are annoyed by this 🙂
March 31, 2019
Paul WilsonSue,
Exactly. It is tough to start over but if you are not 100% before you hit your shot it is highly likely the outcome will be poor. Glad you are starting to not care about others. It is your game not theirs.
March 29, 2019
KathyMedlarI have done this when I am distracted for whatever reason (most of the time)…STOP…RESET/FOCUS…HIT!
My challenge is, if it is someone I am playing with making chatter, noise, movement, whatever…then I have a another distraction in my mind to not be upset with that person and “LETTING IT GO.”
It’s like a double edge sword…Yikes!!! LOL!!!
March 31, 2019
Paul WilsonKathy,
Give them a dirty look then get back in your zone. It’s tough but after you keep getting in this zone it becomes easier.