Play Safe On First Hole

By | on June 11, 2024 | 4 Comments | Array


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Paul Wilson is the creator of Swing Machine Golf and founder of Ignition Golf. Paul's golf swing technique is based on the Iron Byron swing machine. YouTube Channels: Paul Wilson Golf and Ignition Golf Tips. Please Join me on Google+

4 Responses to “Play Safe On First Hole”

  1. Hi Paul. Thanks for the tip of being prudent on the first hole. But looking at this hole, because of lack of depth perception in the video, the first palm tree seems rather close and close to the edge of the water. In other words, with this perspective, one would have to drill it left on the left, fly it over or use the adage, “it’s 80% air” and go for it. In other words, this tee-off does not feel safe even of I am prudent.

    Let’s assume that my optical perspective IS correct. Would you recommend to go for a fade? The reason I am asking is that my natural tendency is a draw and, although I can fade on the driving range, trying it on the first tee would defeat the purpose of being prudent there.

    Your recommendation if I were standing there, getting ready to hit?


    • David,

      If you draw the ball then the tree on the right would be perfect. You aim for that tree and draw it in the middle. The point is to not cut it too close to the water on this first hole. I would rather you be too much right and safe versus wet and ending up making triple or higher. From that tree on the right you would still have about 170-180 in but this is do-able. Even if you had to lay up in front you walk away with bogey.

      It is kind of hard to tell in the camera but this is a very tricky 1st hole. When you play think about where is the safest spot to hit it and play there. Don’t start off with a high number. This will ruin your round.

  2. This is exactly what I did today. Now that I’m starting to play golf regularly after my first two years of just practicing, I don’t want to be discouraged on my first hole. The par four on the first hole of me playing was pretty poor, but on the second hole three-par I made the three par! That kept me going to have a nice nine holes today.

    • John,

      Nothing worse then having a terrible first hole. Sets the tone for the rest of the round.

      Nice. Keep doing it until you are truly confident.

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