Plank With Opposite Lift

By | on June 5, 2024 | 4 Comments | Array


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4 Responses to “Plank With Opposite Lift”

  1. Yes, this is one of my favorites. Is this one worth doing a lot for golfers? What specifically am I achieving by doing this HARD exercise?
    Thanks again for helping us stay fit!


    • Besides being challenging, this exercise is working on strength and stability of hip/abdominal/spinal muscles which translate energy from the lower body to the upper body as it relates to the golf swing. An efficient golfer isn’t just acceleration. Biomechanics has opened our eyes to something called segmental stabilization which explains how people can capitalize on proper sequencing of the body in many athletic movements. Jumping tends to require more linear musculature to do this whereas golf requires more rotational musculature hence the ‘opposite’ lift in this exercise.
      Have fun!
      Jeremy Klinkhamer, PT

  2. This is a good one, Jeremy. O have incorporated itintomy work-out.
    Steve Schelkun

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