Perfection or Fail

By | on October 26, 2015 | 10 Comments | Array


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10 Responses to “Perfection or Fail”

  1. If you don’t strive to be the best you CAN ,you’ll never improve. “I should ” is all right as long as you accept the outcome as it is .You have to be a “fatalist “.I tried ,it didn’t just happen as I wished ,so be it !
    Is that the right attitude?

    • Hi Raymond,

      For many the “should” creates tension and expectation that cause poor play.

      Striving to be your best is fine…again, for some “should” is an improvement stopper and for others it’s a motivator to do better. All depends on one simple thing: is it getting you what you want or not?

      In the end–that’s all that matters.

      It’s not a matter of “is this right or wrong? It’s a matter of “Is this working for me or not?” Your honest answer to THAT question tells you all you need to know.


    • April 16, 2013

      Paul Wilson


      You should be trying to be the best you can be. Make it simple and follow my instruction. If you do you will get there.

      • And to add to Paul’s comment–yes–follow his instruction and simplicity is the key and the foundation od of both approaches by Paul and myself.
        Simplicity rules the day!

      • October 29, 2015


        Paul, Your fair way bunker tips is just great. Thanks david kim

        • October 29, 2015

          Paul Wilson


          Thanks. I appreciate it. I figured this out a long time ago. Just logic. Once you understand it you will hit fairway woods great.

  2. Paul ,
    Sometimes ,I tend to be “overcomplicated “.then I fail .thinking to nothing at all ,but trying be smooth and relaxed is what works the best for me !

  3. October 28, 2015


    BEN HOGAN said That hé MADE at best 3/4 perfect shots per round .So when I acheive the same ( According to m’y own standard OF excellence which is miles lower than BEN HOGAN’s ) I’m fully satified .
    I would rate m’y game on a given day more on the ” Bad ” shots I MADE ,And what to do to avoid them .
    After each round OF golf I play ,I jot down the following’
    What DID I do WELL ?
    What could I have done better ?
    How ?
    I took this from PIA NILSSON ,SORENSTAM’s one Time mental coach .
    It does work for me ,too!
    Working relentlessly at home on m’y short game is the area where I have progressed the most .holing chips ,putting short pitches close to the pin ,keeping m’y average putting score WELL below 30 .
    Alas ,m’y long game ,though very Consitent ,is far too short ,And keeps me from acheiving really low scores .
    Getting on a Green in régulation ( except PAR 3’s ) is very difficult for me except on short holes.
    WELL ,i live with it anyways .
    In the past years ,despite aging ( I’m over 81 ) I have stretched both drives And FAIRWAY Woods by an average 15 yards .

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