Paul’s Swing – The Release Point

By | on January 2, 2024 | 10 Comments | Array


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Paul Wilson is the creator of Swing Machine Golf and founder of Ignition Golf. Paul's golf swing technique is based on the Iron Byron swing machine. YouTube Channels: Paul Wilson Golf and Ignition Golf Tips. Please Join me on Google+

10 Responses to “Paul’s Swing – The Release Point”

  1. February 16, 2020


    I need 4/5 drills to get this down better. I feel like I slow my hips too much but don’t ever chicken wing anything. I just don’t feel fully extended like I used to and as a result lose distance but never the fairway. Any drills to better master this part…⛳️

    • When you log into the site go to the SEARCH bar at teh top of the screen and type in: CHICKEN WING. This will bring up all teh tips to help with your release point.

  2. February 17, 2020


    Hi Paul,
    You state that the hips stop at the release point and everything then “catches up”. Does that mean that the hips and upper torso complete the swing in unison or do the hips still outpace the upper body? My old swing thought (before my Paul Wilson era) was the left shoulder back and the left shoulder all the way through to the finish. My downswing thought now is the belt buckle to the finish. I tried my belt buckle trigger to the release point and convert to my Freddie Couples left shoulder finish with some amazing results. Too much thinking on the downswing? Your thoughts.
    Thank you. Howard

  3. February 18, 2020


    Hey Paul, Video of my swing shows my arms are stretched out at the proper release point, but my wrists are already beginning to rehinge just past impact. Thoughts?

    Thanks, Bill

    • This would probably mean that your hips are too square at contact. This is why you would be flippy through the swing. You want to start putting more effort in your hips to hit the ball. This way your arms would lag behind slightly and not flip through contact.

  4. October 1, 2020


    Hi Paul, I’m doing the same things as your teachings but my balls flights often pull draw and push fade a lot (very inconsistent), what can I do to make my swing more stable and consistent? Please help, thanks.


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      October 4, 2020

      Paul Wilson

      First you want to check out your grip, if you are drawing shots then there could be a strong grip. I would like you to start there. Then work on the spin of the golf ball, get all the shots hooking this will correct any sort of tightness in the wrists. Start there and then let me know. Check out these tips:

      Vertical To Vertical:
      Vertical To Vertical – Part 2:

      • October 5, 2020


        Thank you Paul, I will work on my grip to make sure they are weaker and secure. My problem is tension during my round, I can shoot even par the first 8 holes and then everything fell apart due to one bad shot and tightness tension!! I start completely pull hook my driver and always top my 3 wood and hybrid!!!

        How do I relax and maintain the same level through out the whole 18 holes?!?

        Thank you.

  5. October 6, 2020


    Hi Paul, again I want to thank you for changing my golf swing from a hack to effortless. I have lost my job during Covid pandemic end of March and lost my golf swing as well…..

    Thanks for all your swing tips videos I’m able to learn again from watching you…. I did several things: First improve and correct my grips, and with the L to L swing drill to see the back of my left hand back and also look at the back of my right hand when I swing through… Also I used 75% effort instead of locking up my arms and wrists to kill the ball. I also pretended the ball was no even there when I swing thru…. And the final results were fantastic!!! I am really grateful to your teaching. Thank you and warm regards,


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