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Opposite Series – Thinking About Impact
Paul Wilson
on October 20, 2015
Tags: bowed wrist impactforget impact golfgolf impactgolf swing impactopp
Author Description

Paul Wilson is the creator of Swing Machine Golf and founder of Ignition Golf. Paul's golf swing technique is based on the Iron Byron swing machine. YouTube Channels: Paul Wilson Golf and Ignition Golf Tips. Please Join me on Google+
9 Responses to “Opposite Series – Thinking About Impact”
October 21, 2015
RaymondCHASTELPaul,You recommend the FLIGHT TRACKER ES12 from ERNEST SPORTS .They have brought out the more advanced ES 14 ,OF which I saw the assessment vs TRACKMAN ( Pretty good !) .
Could you give us YOUR own appréciation OF this NEW FLIGHT TRACKER ( Price is High :700$ !)
October 22, 2015
Paul WilsonRaymond,
I have not tried this device and I do not have one. I shot my review video before the ES14 was available. Do you really need that level of data? If so, it is most likely a good unit.
October 21, 2015
MatthewHalpinI have been doing this and it has made a world of difference. My irons are going dead strait and I am more confident to ‘go for it’ on those 120+ yard second or third shots to the green. My problem come with the dreaded Driver. I just can’t seem to hold my balance and confidence with the longer clubs (driver, 3 wood, 5 wood). Is it really the same swing with the same finish or is there a slightly different ‘point B’ for these bigger clubs? Thanks so much – Matt
October 22, 2015
Paul WilsonMatt,
It’s the same finish. You can’t touch your legs better than if they are touching. You cannot get the club more parallel than parallel. If you are not doing it with longer clubs you care about distance. Unfortunately, you are doing so with a swing that is not working. So, you need to change the swing. You need to build a great swing no matter how easy you have to hit the ball. Get it. Master it. Then speed up the leg drive for more power. Right now you are not good at it. So forget distance for a while. Focus on the movement. I keep telling everyone this. It doesn’t take long but you have to have determination and see it differently. Problem with golf is that people hit a few good ones and they think they’ve got it. Anyone with any swing can hit a few good ones. It’s called luck. Until you can hit 70% or more right now, and hour from now, tomorrow, next week and so on you don’t have it. So forget distance for now and just hit the positions perfectly. Do them at home, range and when you play. Swing at 50% and in no time you will have it with longer clubs.
October 22, 2015
MatthewHalpinThanks Paul, now if you could only find a way to turn off my brain and stop trying to go for that distance. I will work on it and report back – thanks so much – Matt
October 22, 2015
Paul WilsonMatt,
I go through this all of the time with people. Human nature is telling you to hit plus it feel great. My brand new never released line I just came up with is:
“Let logic overcome trust.” It takes trust that no hitting is going to hit the ball longer and better than you ever have. If you have not done it long enough you will not trust it so you need to use logic to convince yourself it will work. You have felt amazing shots without hitting in the past so logically it will work and you can do it again. As you keep doing it you will gain the trust to do it forever.
October 22, 2015
CraigSmithHi Paul,
I went out today using/thinking ‘precise finish position’…worked on the range and on the course. I hit some pure short irons but faded longer clubs. Was probably going too easy at it to hit the finish and not really firing my legs. But wondered what you think this might be. The quiet tempo needed to actually hit this position repeatedly felt great but I felt like I was right of target or fading off the target throughout the day. Not slices, just a little bit of a leak off to the right.
October 22, 2015
kishoreThakurDear Paul,
just loving your instructions & trying to follow in totality. Will need to go through some more practice sessions at the range but I am sure this will help in reaching the desired levels.
Thanks & keep sending your great tips.
October 22, 2015
Paul WilsonKishore,
Thank you very much. I truly appreciate the support and kind words.