Opposite Series – The Grip

By | on July 22, 2022 | 10 Comments | Array


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Paul Wilson is the creator of Swing Machine Golf and founder of Ignition Golf. Paul's golf swing technique is based on the Iron Byron swing machine. YouTube Channels: Paul Wilson Golf and Ignition Golf Tips. Please Join me on Google+

10 Responses to “Opposite Series – The Grip”

  1. October 2, 2015


    It video works now Paul. The grip is very important in your swing the looser the better the ball will jump off the face of the club and go straight.

  2. Excellent reminder ,Paul,of the necessity of a loose grip with both hands .
    To be stressed also is the need to have the material of the grip on the handle in good condition ,not worn out or slippery and the gloves (I play with two gloves ) also in good condition .
    Failing to do that ,the hands will slip on the handle and to counteract that effect ,one will unconsciously tighten the fingers and the wrists .
    Often the pinkie of the left hand is too tight at the top :it is said that BOBBY JONES would even let it go purposedly at the top,to mark the transition,then re-grip to start the downmove

  3. October 7, 2015


    Your comments on the following are appreciated. Assume first one’s grip is initially correct at the set up and that at the beginning of the swing the grip pressure (both hands) is a “2”. You state that naturally during the swing your grip pressure will increase to an “8”. No problem. The problem which I experience is that with the increase of pressure, particularly through the left had, I see the shaft and club face move into a closed, counter clockwise position. The result is obviously a draw (or hook) and a possible off line pull which requires a rear tilt of the spine among other things to straighten out the direction.

    Please provide if possible something relaxed, simple, and preferably “natural” to work on or counteract this development. Thank you for any guidance which you may offer! Tom White

  4. October 9, 2015


    October 9, 2015

    Thank you for your reply. Will test out the grip today and work to correct the problem if one exists. I assume that if the grip is secure at the top the grip pressure should feel as it has remained consistent (eight on the scale of ten) throughout the down swing and just “let it fly”. I have a suspicion that (maybe because my grip comes loose at the top) the increased grip pressure in the left hand on the downswing (re-grip or re-pressure) is causing the face to close. I notice that if I make a fist with my left hand without holding a club and then grip harder my hand seems to turn naturally counter-clockwise which if holding a club may cause the face to close. Perhaps this is a remnant of my improper application of the Hogan “supination” (or is it pronation) lesson years ago which talked about the desired wrist position at impact. Again, I know you are very busy but any comments or ideas are gratefully appreciated.

    Sincerely, Tom White

  5. February 10, 2018


    Hiu Paul, My hands are smaller–I wear a medium cadet glove on my L hand-RH player. I’m 65, and wonder if I should consider bigger grips for driver/irons? My fingers do occasionally get swollen after a round.
    Also, should the club grip rest right between where my smallest finger meets the heel pad of my hand, or a little higher into the middle of the heel pad? Thanks. Jon

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      February 11, 2018

      Paul Wilson


      I hate using grip that are too big. The larger the grip the slower the hand action so if you can avoid larger grips then do so. If you have arthritis then this would be the exception. Swollen fingers without arthritis could be the indication of something wrong in your swing. If you grip tight and wrists are too tight and you hit the ball off center you have to absorb the shock of the mishit somewhere. So the club twists in your hands. This twisting could be causing the pain. Before you change grips make sure your grip is good and wrists are super loose. Then see if you are still getting swollen fingers. If so, then consider a mid-size grip. I would borrow a club with them on and hit a bucket to see what effect the larger grips have. Would hate for you to change them for no reason.

  6. Hi Paul
    I just joined your site and working my way through the body swing method. Loving it!
    Your legs together position was like turning a light on in my brain for turning the hips and fixed one of my biggest flaws and confusions.

    Question on the grip for a right handed player.

    Could I confirm that your neutral grip method assumes the pad of the left thumb is what presses onto the grip and not the pad below the pinkie finger?
    Some grip methods talk about the grip going through the left fingers and being pressed down by the pinkie finger pad.
    Your grip however seems to go more through the left palm than the fingers.
    Do I have this understanding correct?

    Also do I assume that that using the pinky pad creates too much of a cup of the left wrist at set up?
    Also I assume this grip creates more consistency of the left wrist motion by gripping in the left palm versus the left fingers?

    Just want to be sure I have this understanding right.

    • Andrew,

      Glad to have you on board. Be careful not to get too overwhelmed.

      You are correct with everything you just said. Not in the fingers. Across your palm. This is a secure position in the weaker hand. This one might explain it.

      How To Stop Over-Cupping At The Top of the Backswing: https://ignitiongolf.com/stop-over-cupping-at-top/

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