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One Leg Longer at Impact
Paul Wilson
on August 28, 2018
Author Description
Paul Wilson is the creator of Swing Machine Golf and founder of Ignition Golf. Paul's golf swing technique is based on the Iron Byron swing machine. YouTube Channels: Paul Wilson Golf and Ignition Golf Tips. Please Join me on Google+
10 Responses to “One Leg Longer at Impact”
August 28, 2018
PaulKochanowskiHi, this the same as the lead hip being higher as you finish impact?
August 29, 2018
Paul WilsonPaul,
It think I say this in the tip. If one leg is longer your lead hip would be higher.
September 1, 2018
GLENNWISSEThis is a great visual way of getting the hips to turn enough. I constantly see golfers in the bent legs position and they all seem to lack power and consistency and chicken wings abound. It’s like being at Buffalos Wild Wings.
September 2, 2018
Paul WilsonGlenn,
Exactly. I just have to keep getting people to do what pros are doing. There are a few moves that if only I could get people doing them they would dramatically improve. Using the lower to hit the ball is the main one. Hopefully, people are constantly working on it.
September 1, 2018
RaymondCHASTELAs you demonstrate at one point in this video,straightening the lead leg entails the pushing back of the left cheek:but in reverse you can think about pushing back the left cheek first in order to straigthen the left leg .
September 2, 2018
Paul WilsonRaymond,
Yes, you can certainly do it that way too. I will have to add that to the tips list.
February 19, 2019
DerekSharpThanks Paul for the link to this tip. Good to know that straightening the lead leg at impact is the correct thing to do. It seems the natural thing to do to take the shift of weight, and very unnatural to throw weight onto a bent leg. I guess I was not leaning back behind the ball when straightening the leg causing me to lift up and top some shots. Overall though with the help of your tips my swing is improving a lot now.
Many thanks!
February 20, 2019
Paul WilsonDerek,
Glad you liked it.
Yes, it’s a turn not a jump. You jump and you will top it. It’s about turning. AS you turn the lead leg should be straightening.
March 21, 2020
mikeschickMy question is whether the lead leg is straight at impact. You answered it! It is not straight, but close, and it allows the hips to keep turning.
March 22, 2020
Paul WilsonThe lead leg would not be completely straight until the back arm is parallel to the ground at the 3/4 point in the follow-through.
Lock the Lead Leg at Three Quarters Through: