Narrower Stance For More Power?

By | on March 26, 2024 | 7 Comments | Array


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Paul Wilson is the creator of Swing Machine Golf and founder of Ignition Golf. Paul's golf swing technique is based on the Iron Byron swing machine. YouTube Channels: Paul Wilson Golf and Ignition Golf Tips. Please Join me on Google+

7 Responses to “Narrower Stance For More Power?”

  1. Hi Paul
    Instead of trying to gauge stance width by matching the hands with the outsides of the feet, it seems to me that an easier way is the one you demonstrated. i.e. what are the relative positions of the upper legs at the “touch legs” position.

    Back thigh one ball behind front thigh = driver
    Both thighs equal = 7 iron to 3 wood
    But what equals 8 iron to lob wedge?

  2. Avatar photo

    May 22, 2019


    Great reminder Paul to ‘stay in the cylinder’ I find if my stance gets too wide I begin swaying to transfer my weight back and through. With the short irons, I sometimes close my stance too much. What are your thoughts on open stance for short irons, and closed stance for woods, long irons? Or, should I just concentrate on being square. Not that I mind being square…..


  3. Paul ,Your method is not far from the one recommended by BEN HOGAN in his book .He only
    adds the closed/open notions and the fixed position of the ball at address .
    I reduced quite much the width my stance and found I was better hitting the ball .BOBBY JONES had a narrow stance but modern pro’s (BRUCE KOEPKA ,DUSTIN JOHNSON ,RORY Mc ILROYJUSTIN ROSE )have wide stances ,but they play golf in a different leagie

    • Raymond,

      Yes, I don’t like their wide stances. Seems real hard to use the lower body. Narrower but not too narrow is best.

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