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Add More Distance For Senior Golfers
Paul Wilson
on February 14, 2023
Tags: bent left armdistance seniorlead arm backswingsenior golfer
Author Description
Paul Wilson is the creator of Swing Machine Golf and founder of Ignition Golf. Paul's golf swing technique is based on the Iron Byron swing machine. YouTube Channels: Paul Wilson Golf and Ignition Golf Tips. Please Join me on Google+
7 Responses to “Add More Distance For Senior Golfers”
November 1, 2020
Great tip! I have found this to be very helpful and I am surprised at how much further I hit the ball when I can turn my lower body to the target with loose hinged wrists. Thanks
November 1, 2020
DonaldForresterGreat tip! Back to loosing wrists… plus separation plus lag… Thanks.
November 1, 2020
DanKueblerWow, thanks, Paul, so much for a special tip for we super seniors!!!
November 2, 2020
MarkGrandcolasThis small tip made a HUGE DIFFERENCE!
It solved SEVERAL problems with my swing…it gave me a bit better backswing extension, a bit better lag, and also unexpectedly cut loose my hips so they could rotate faster and finish facing the target; i found my weight shifted onto my front foot on follow through, and i got a lower trajectory on my driver with longer roll distance, and on my irons i got more compression.
All of this with much less effort in my swing!!
I wish I would have seen this tip a long time ago!
November 4, 2020
DonaldForresterHi Paul,
I enjoyed the tip…. when lifting the heel it seems like the first downswing thought needs to be replacing the heel before initiating your regular sequence… Yes or thoughts?
November 14, 2020
Paul WilsonThe downswing happens so fast that if you are thinking about replanting the heel then you have probably hit the golf ball by then and then you would not be using your lower body to hi the golf ball. I would be focusing on using your legs and hips to hit the ball and turning your hips to hit the ball. If you turn your hips then you will replant the heel.
February 18, 2023
PeterCammickPaul this could really help me get closer to 90 degrees but what about hips – do they still stay 45 degrees? I have issue of over rotating hips which causes inconsistent ball flight