Visualization – Coiling

By | on December 27, 2016 | 7 Comments | Array


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Paul Wilson is the creator of Swing Machine Golf and founder of Ignition Golf. Paul's golf swing technique is based on the Iron Byron swing machine. YouTube Channels: Paul Wilson Golf and Ignition Golf Tips. Please Join me on Google+

7 Responses to “Visualization – Coiling”

  1. Excellent comparison.both of them dragging the club along with the ground whereas I am lifting the club away from the ground can’t able to coil.thanks for the tip Paul

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      December 28, 2016

      Paul Wilson


      Glad you liked it. Just see the arms as an extension from your body. If you turn your body your arms will move.

  2. December 28, 2016


    Coiling and building up leverage to store. Paul at what point in the golfer’s coil does that happen in the back swing?

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      December 29, 2016

      Paul Wilson


      By 3/4 back you are starting to feel a little tight. Then as you continue to the top you are feeling the tightness in the forward lat. This tells you that you are tightly coiled. Once you feel this tightness, you uncoil with the lower body. Not sure if that answers it but this is what to look for.

  3. December 29, 2016


    It does, Paul. 🙂

  4. December 30, 2016


    Hi Paul,

    I get the sense that the great swings do not involve much hinge wrist at parallel to ground, but rather the shoulder just keeps going around.

    I have found that if I think of waiting for my shoulder to get to a point under my chin as the trigger for coiling back has more consistently better results than thinking about shoulder to parallel and then hinge before trigger. What do you suggest?

  5. December 31, 2016


    Paul,Marvelous examples to copy what the best players on tour do .Unfortunately ,we are not supple enough to emulate them . All we can do is to try our best !
    Again ,all left arms are Arrow straight (I can’t approach that!),and you can see when observing RORY’s shirt at the back ,how contracted are is back muscles !
    Then we all have more or less slouched shoulders at adress .
    I saw a video of Raphaël CABRERA BELLO training with a putting mirror at his feet,tilted with two golf balls ,to correct his shoulder position .Seems effective as he is one of the best iron players on tour .
    Question :Is an ancient tip of “dragging the clubhead back as a mopping rug “a good or a bad image?

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