
By | on October 5, 2015 | 5 Comments | Array


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5 Responses to “Surrender”

  1. Like it. I surrender on a regular basis as a Christian to Gods will and this fits in with that nicely. I think my surrender attitude coupled with Pauls great instruction has led me to loving golf more than ever.

    • Surrender. Good word. Just wish more people would say it and do it. They keep holding on to a swing that does not work. One day they will. Until then I will just keep spreading my word.

      • Hey Paul!

        It is a good word, isn’t it? Everyone has their “journey” toward surrender. Some do it easily and many of us struggle with the notion. Hard time wrapping our mind around the notion of “less is more”.

        “You want me to do less and I’ll get more?’ is what I’m often asked. “Yes I do”.

        The biggest paradox of them all–on and off the golf course.

        Funny thing is–we have proof that it’s true! We just don’t believe it and keep running our heads into the wall again—and again.

        Keep putting the word out there Paul–best teachings I’ve seen (and I’ve seen a lot of them).

    • Hi Ralph,

      Yes it is a wonderful “fit” and very applicable in many areas of life–golf being no different. That attitude and Paul’s fabulous teaching are a terrific mix for sure.

      Keep up your love of the game!

  2. October 6, 2015



    Yup, this is a great one. As I listened I knew you were going to say, “..people say they play better after they’ve let go…” before you said it. It is so very true. i’ve coupled this thought with the warm up routine before a round (which Aul has a great 25 ball warm up that I use a lot) to just get that surrender feeling. Not good yet at keeping the tightness at bay a whole round as yet, but is amazing how fast a recovery can come thru this method.



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