Mental Game – Stop Bad Holes

By | on February 19, 2018 | 2 Comments | Array


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2 Responses to “Mental Game – Stop Bad Holes”

  1. February 19, 2018


    I’m not sure how being aware of how these thoughts can lead to a meltdown in my round will eliminate such occurrences. Such thoughts are bound to happen, and we can’t prevent ourselves from having such thoughts, so I assume the way we respond to these thoughts is important in helping us eliminate the meltdowns.
    How should we respond to these thoughts?

  2. February 8, 2021


    Hi David, I had the same question…I’m not even sure what my thoughts were on my great holes, lol. If I’m playing well, I try to “not think” to prevent the ‘one thought’ you’re talking about. Sometimes it works and sometimes not.
    But when I have an errant shot, it usually catches me by surprise. Then I blow it off, or go to “grind” mode–don’t let it bother me, stay focused, and keep the ball in play. Again, sometimes it works, sometimes not. But usually my round is filled with up and down holes, so I go through this often.
    Most commonly I have 2-3 “blowup” holes which push me into high scores. A double bogey or 3 (even 4) putt that comes unexpectedly–a bad pitch or chip, a poor bunker shot, offline approach shot, etc.
    So back to “focus” and grind as needed, yes?

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