Mental Game – Imagery

By | on May 8, 2017 | 7 Comments | Array


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7 Responses to “Mental Game – Imagery”

  1. August 27, 2013


    God message, clarified the role of imagery for me, now I will need to take the time to use it on the course,some times my playing partners do not have the patience to prepare oneself before swinging.
    Tom Meyer

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      August 27, 2013

      David Breslow

      Hi Tom,

      Do not let others sway you from doing what is best for you. It doesn’t take a lot of time and you get better with it as you do it more. Let others dd what they want and make sure you stick to your “guns” and practice it. You may just love doing it!
      Keep us posted!


  2. August 27, 2013



  3. October 15, 2013


    Dave, been using imagery on pitch and chip shots with better and better success, will start using it on longer shots. Your message reminded me that it works on all shots.


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    October 28, 2013


    Hi Dave,
    I will try the imagery because I know you are correct. Question, how does keeping humour about the game help? I started golfing at 54 yrs old. I am56now. i can say its not easy. I see people getting very aggravated and fuming. I want to be
    Like Fred. Couples and just go with the flow. If I do bad,should I just keep thinking a good shot will happen soon?
    Regards, Harold

  5. December 9, 2014


    Gretings Coach Can the image be produced by speaking the image or does it have to come only in silence in the mind/i talk a lot to myself while i play/ Great lesson

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