Free Will?

By | on November 6, 2023 | 4 Comments | Array


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4 Responses to “Free Will?”

  1. January 6, 2020


    Very insightful David,and very true….Thanks for the help on this nasty problem!!!!!

  2. January 8, 2020


    This is really good David. Thank you. Understanding that what you feel is a direct result of what you are thinking can be very liberating when people realize that they have the ability to challenge and change how they are thinking.

    I’ve found that many of the thoughts that precipitate the feelings are so fast and so automatic that we’re barely aware they even happened. I found it difficult to sort out without writing the thoughts down on paper to be challenged and dissected. However, doing this was a game changer for how I looked at and played golf (not to mention the rest of my life! :-)).

    Thanks again. Keep up the great work.

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      January 8, 2020


      Thank you, Merrit!
      Always gratifying when someone like you “gets it”.

      THIS is where the “traditional” approaches “fall down” imo.
      It’s one thing to know how important thoughts are and just say it—and another to REALLY KNOW how they “operate” to produce outcomes–BY LAW.

      Sadly, the majority continue to run after solutions to the very things they are causing in the first place!

      And yes…as you said–you see the impact on AND OFF the golf course.

      Since all this happens by Law…it couldn’t be any other way. This is precisely why Wired to Win does not rely on psychology or platitudes to get the great results we want.

      I’m thrilled you’re living it, Merritt!!!


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