Celebrate Successes

By | on June 27, 2023 | 2 Comments | Array


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2 Responses to “Celebrate Successes”

  1. February 16, 2021


    Hi David, Thanks for the “Celebrate Success” tape. I usually have a pretty positive outlook as I approach a round and each hole, always feeling “hopeful” that my next shot will be like a similar shot that I did well in the past. I guess I have a short memory for bad shots. But the tough part is when, in that situation, I then hit a bad shot. It’s like I trusted my “hope” only to be disappointed.” And that feeling and thought is what ties me up. Does that make sense? What do you suggest? Many thanks. Jon

  2. “hoping” it’s not a positive approach.
    Hoping is not believing and is sending your body a very weak message that is laden with doubt.

    One of the reasons it is a good idea to celebrate your successes is that it builds that belief and get you away from hoping to believing

    Does this make sense?

    Hoping to play well is nothing like believing you are going to play with.


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