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Drill – Make the Club Feel Heavy
Paul Wilson
on April 10, 2015
Tags: golf swing arm extensiongolf swing loose armsgolf swing rotationloose wrist golf
Author Description
Paul Wilson is the creator of Swing Machine Golf and founder of Ignition Golf. Paul's golf swing technique is based on the Iron Byron swing machine. YouTube Channels: Paul Wilson Golf and Ignition Golf Tips. Please Join me on Google+
7 Responses to “Drill – Make the Club Feel Heavy”
April 11, 2015
Doesn’t the upper body coil have to be tight to load up in order to get torque and speed in the down swing?
April 12, 2015
Paul WilsonPeter,
Yes it does. Why would you think otherwise.
This tip has nothing to do with the coil.
April 13, 2015
When I made the comment I was thinking you don’t feel the weight of the club at the top of the back swing when you coil up tight with the shoulder muscles and your arms are tension free… at least I don’t. it’s when you uncoil your upper body that you feel the weight of the club swinging freely around your torso. Your’re right that the tip has nothing to do with the coil.
Sorry for the misunderstanding.
April 13, 2015
Paul WilsonPeter,
Yes you’re not going to feel he weight really at the top. This is down and through as the weight of the swinging mass pulls the arms out.
April 20, 2017
JohnBensonI found this link in a comment you made to another student and in another video of yours.
This is perfect! It’s right up the alley with the recent links you been helping me on full extension.
April 5, 2019
Great video. When I am doing my practice swings, my best ones have that unmistakeable feel of centrifugal force pulling the club away from me – literally like it is trying to take it away from me. It is important that I don’t try to counter that pulling force with subconsciously yanking back. It’s the old axiom of ceding control to the club.
April 5, 2019
Paul WilsonMike,
Very good. This is the feeling.
Let lose control to gain control.