How To Maintain Your Spine Angle In The Through Swing

By | on June 10, 2012 | 6 Comments | Array


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Paul Wilson is the creator of Swing Machine Golf and founder of Ignition Golf. Paul's golf swing technique is based on the Iron Byron swing machine. YouTube Channels: Paul Wilson Golf and Ignition Golf Tips. Please Join me on Google+

6 Responses to “How To Maintain Your Spine Angle In The Through Swing”

  1. Hey Paul
    this is a problem for me i tend to stand up and hold the face open causing slicing and a lot of toed shots very frustrating
    will be putting this tip into use.

    • David,

      You are standing because you are swinging way too hard trying to hit the ball long. Why not slow down and build a great swing. Once you have the great swing then you can go as hard as you can uncoil.

  2. Hello Paul

    Not sure if this is the best tip to post this question, happy if you can direct me elsewhere.

    I have a real problem on the downswing where my head drops down and a bi towards the ball. It is very noticeable the difference in height between setup and impact. I think because of this difference in height I have developed an instinctive pulling in of the arms as I get to impact to avoid hitting the ground. A real chicken wing. Could you please help me with a drill that would help me maintain my height.


  3. Hi Paul

    Can you make sure the spine angle is maintained by letting the right shoulder go past first, then move out of the swing. Also does the Left foot angle open up at the end of the swing in order to stand up? Lastly I have not had any tips since 5 th May, could it be my e mail server? They are not in my junk mail.

    • Naz,

      Good to hear from you.

      Not sure what you mean about the right shoulder. You shouldn’t even be thinking shoulders in the downswing:

      Shoulders in downswing:

      Left foot should be turned out 25-30 degrees at setup. If not you cannot turn without hurting your left knee.

      Forward Foot:

      I just put you on the alternate tips list. You will start receiving them again starting tomorrow. In the meantime go to the homepage. The last 10 tips are right there so you can catch up. Then if you scroll to the bottom of the page you can see pages to every other tip I have ever done in order.

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