This is one of the most important tips in golf. In order to develop power and consistency you must learn how to uncoil properly. Give this tip a watch and you will finally know exactly how to uncoil your golf swing.
Free Golf Tip 2 – How To Uncoil
Paul Wilson
on March 4, 2011
Author Description
Paul Wilson is the creator of Swing Machine Golf and founder of Ignition Golf. Paul's golf swing technique is based on the Iron Byron swing machine. YouTube Channels: Paul Wilson Golf and Ignition Golf Tips. Please Join me on Google+
12 Responses to “Free Golf Tip 2 – How To Uncoil”
September 29, 2014
CraigMinnerIt may be helpful to confirm if the completed turn of hips to the left and touching of the left leg only occurs after hitting the ball in a square position…not when you are actually beginning your downswing?
September 29, 2014
Paul WilsonCraig,
Not quite sure I get what you are asking.
You are at the top. You are NOT thinking of hitting anything. Instead you are thinking about making the MOVE to touch your legs. It would take some time to actually touch the legs. From the top to impact is 1/4 of a second. You could not physically touch them that fast. If you start to make the move to touch them from the top, in time, the would actually touch at the Follow Through. The key is to be actually thinking about using the legs. Most people just whack away at it with their arms.
Downswing Mindset:
What To Feel In The Transition:
How Much To Use Your Legs:
How To Start The Downswing:
Legs in Downswing:
Exactly How to Start the Downswing:
How Much Legs Should You Use To Power Your Swing?:
November 28, 2014
MikeKimI like your teachings.
Espacially lagging and way of uncoiling.
However, I am still confusing regading right foot action.
Accoording to uncoiling video, i should uncoil as soon as I complete coiling.
But, the other teaching like ” do not hit down purposely” says right foot should stay until hit the ball.
I think timeing of sequency is very critical.
Can you help me out please.
Thank you,
November 28, 2014
Paul WilsonMike,
I think you are mistaken. In no way do I promote keeping the back foot down at impact. I have done tons of tips on lifting it. The tip you are referring to is taking about what would happen if you do it wrong. At 5:37, I say “you’ll be hanging back on this back foot and scooping up at the ball”
Watch again:
Here are a few tips on the right foot:
Shift and Roll:
Impact Back Heel Off Ground:
DRILL Lift Heel For 2 Weeks:
DRILL Lift Then Hit:
April 30, 2015
SeanMaloneHi Paul I am working hard on this swing and when I uncoil I say to myself hip to promote my lower body to uncoil would you think like this or does it just happen naturally for you now
April 30, 2015
Paul WilsonSean,
I do not have to think of this as I have done it many times. I was going to do a tip on this exact thing though so yes, this is a great thought.
May 1, 2015
SeanMaloneHi Paul I am having a problem with low trajectory on my driver would this have to do with the club face too closed
May 1, 2015
Paul WilsonSean,
If the driver is too low it’s usually a grip that is too strong your hands are too far ahead of the ball. In other words you are de-lofting the club somewhere in your swing. Check the grip and hand position first. Then watch this:
Hit Ball Higher:
May 3, 2015
SeanMaloneHi Paul ,just a question on hitting irons should toe of club be flush with the ground or slightly tilted towards the body
May 5, 2015
Paul WilsonSean,
Tips on this too here:
Toe Up Or Toe Down:
Cause and Effect – Toe Up Toe Down:
January 26, 2018
AntonioContevorrei sentire in Italiano
January 29, 2018
Paul WilsonAntonio,
There are over 1000 of my golf tips on the site. Impossible to convert them all to Italian.