BONUS TIP – The Difference between 95mph and 116mph
Free Golf Tip 10 – More Driver Distance
Paul Wilson
on March 4, 2011
Author Description
Paul Wilson is the creator of Swing Machine Golf and founder of Ignition Golf. Paul's golf swing technique is based on the Iron Byron swing machine. YouTube Channels: Paul Wilson Golf and Ignition Golf Tips. Please Join me on Google+
19 Responses to “Free Golf Tip 10 – More Driver Distance”
October 22, 2014
What would your club head speed be in the demonstrated ‘swing harder’ mode?
This would clearly show the value of the looser swing in speed terms accepting that the looser swing will certainly pay off in terms of centre contact and better face alignment………and the absence of back problems.
October 22, 2014
Paul WilsonSam,
I can get it up over 100mph if I wail away at it but why would I put twice as much energy into it and not get twice the distance.
December 5, 2014
I notice t you bend your left arm in the back swing. That’s contrary to the advice I always received. Please comment.
December 6, 2014
Paul WilsonPeter,
I want the arm extended but not locked. That is as straight as I keep it. So long as it is extended at address and at impact it is a non issue because my arc is at its widest. Funny how no one mentions Jack Nicklaus’ bent arm at the top or Freddie Couples or the other 50% of tour players I’ve seen.
Left Arm at Top:
Extended But Not Locked:
April 6, 2015
johnhamwiPaul, your pitching lessons are great. I am having pitching success.
I live in Pinehurst and the dormant Bermuda still snags my club.
I have tried opening my club with minimal success. HELP.
Your teaching method and tips have made me a much better player.
April 7, 2015
Paul WilsonJohn,
Glad you like my pitching technique. I appreciate the feedback.
It really works great especially when you have worked on it to the point you know exactly how far it will go. No guessing with minimal practice. It doesn’t get better than that. I wasted years practicing these shots.
Just keep working on opening the face. There is no magical cure. If you have hit bunker shots you have hit shots with an open face. It’s the same thing. Open it to 1 o’clock to take off 10 yards and 2 o’clock to take off twenty. So your 40 yard pitch with the face at 2 o’clock would only go 20 yards. Open slightly for 5 yard reduction and 1:30 for 15 yards. Keep at it.
May 8, 2015
SeanMaloneThe tip you gave about opening the club face when in any rough is great would you use this on other parts of the course
May 9, 2015
Paul WilsonSean,
In longer really rough you would take a SW and chop it out getting it back in the fairway as soon as possible. So I would really be doing this open face technique just in certain situations where the grass is going to shut he face down.
October 6, 2015
MJHi Paul, I am progressing very well thanks to your instruction! However, I now find that I am hitting the ball straight and relatively long but then it turns to the right 95% of the time. Is this happening when I don’t coil correctly and hit my left leg and follow through on my finish? Could this be the problem? Many thanks Paul. Great, great technical but easy to understand instruction.
October 6, 2015
Paul WilsonMary-Jane,
If you hit it right your wrists are too tight. Right/Tight. You need to be watching the tips below. Basically you need to roll it first and get it hooking. Once you can do that you straighten it back out with the lower body:
Please Learn How to Hook It:
How to Release the Golf Club:
DRILL: 3 Ways To Roll It Over:
Still Slicing Even After Rolling?:
Driving Hips Harder But Hook It First:
Everyone Needs To Hook It:
Driving Hips Too Hard – Release Progression:
October 29, 2015
Waltreyerhi Paul,
I have the same radar. What would a normal swing be with a sand wedge versus a 9 iron , 5 iron ECT? is there a good swing speed to work on to control tempo?
October 29, 2015
Paul WilsonWalt,
Not sure I never measured my speed with all clubs. If you can get driver over 100 the rest should be in the ball park too.
I have done a few tips on tempo.
How to Get Consistent Swing Tempo:
May 24, 2016
sergecharetonYes Thank you very much. Your tips work wonderfully in France too !
May 24, 2016
Paul WilsonSerge,
Glad you like the tips. I appreciate the feedback.
January 12, 2018
LiamCreanSeeing the speed change by 20mph with almost no visible change is a great illustration – shows quite how much power is in the core.
January 12, 2018
Paul WilsonLiam,
Yes, I have to be doing this somehow. I am just turning a little faster. If I was hitting harder it would look way different. Just doing it a different way.
January 25, 2018
Greg vonSeegerPaul…whats to keep your quick body rotation from leaving your relaxed arms behind….thus possibly leaving the club face slightly open at impact? Thanks as always for the great illustrations and instructions.
January 25, 2018
Paul WilsonGreg,
I have a whole section called How To Gain Distance in The Body Swing. Yes, if you just speed up 1 part of your swing (the body) you will hit pushes and push fades. This section explains what you need to do so you don’t run into this problem. You can also watch this tip:
DRILL: Golf Swing Timing For More Distance:
May 5, 2018
MiltonBojdakIn an effort to increase my torque and get more distance I think I lag my hands too far behind my hips causing my swing to be too open at impact. How can avoid this yet develop maximum torque in the downswing? Thanks.