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How To Lower Your Overall Trajectory
Paul Wilson
on September 19, 2011
Tags: Hit Lower Golf ShotsHow to Lower TrajectoryShots
Author Description
Paul Wilson is the creator of Swing Machine Golf and founder of Ignition Golf. Paul's golf swing technique is based on the Iron Byron swing machine. YouTube Channels: Paul Wilson Golf and Ignition Golf Tips. Please Join me on Google+
8 Responses to “How To Lower Your Overall Trajectory”
November 15, 2012
Euh SuhKooI can’t see this video. Pls, check the video. Thanks.
November 16, 2012
Paul WilsonEuh,
This video is playing fine. Please try again. It must be a connection issue on your end.
November 16, 2012
Euh SuhKooThanks, it works properly now!
June 3, 2013
AndrewMahHi Paul
Thanks for the tip. I
June 3, 2013
Paul WilsonAndrew,
That drill with the butt is to get someone’s wrists loosened up. The club does not release in a good swing until after the ball is hit.
How to Release the Golf Club:
By doing this drill you are unlocking your wrists. If you couple loose wrists to a rotating center you will still have lag upon impact. Then the club gets to the release point. So no I do not want you to immediately hinge it. That is a drill to unlock the wrists. If both arms so not stretch out fully in a golf swing until after the ball is hit it means the club would be descending upon impact. Most people are hitting which tightens the wrists and adds loft.
So keep loosening and keep working on the rotation of your body. If you would like to work on the grip down drill that’s a good thing as well as working on the release point.
December 29, 2013
Had a trouble watching the video. Starts out okay but as it plays on the sound gets out of sync with the video. Is that something on my end or yours?
February 8, 2014
RaymondCHASTELWhat I Like THE most in this very good lesson is where you emphasize on THE Weight transfer ,exactly as taught GEORGE KNUDSON in THE NATURAL GOLF SWING .
When I pay attention to THE Weight shift ,my swing is so much better .
Now ,are you in favor OF “picking ” THE ball off THE turf ,as did RALPH GUDAHL ,or taking a deep divot as most Pros do today ,and which is THE motto OF Martin ,who created THE TOUR STRIKER club ?
I have a Tour STRIKER ,but I don’t Like it !
February 9, 2014
Paul WilsonRaymond,
I want you to take a divot with all club up to about a 5 iron. Once you hit 4 iron and up you are grazing the grass. These clubs are longer so they start sweeping as opposed to descending.
The divot should be taken due to the right fundamentals not because you are purposely hitting down on the ball. The Tour Striker gets you manually hitting at the ball with your arms. This causes the person to tighten their arms which goes against everything I teach.. This purposely hitting down it totally unnecessary and why I do not promote this product.
Stop Hitting Down:
Why The Shaft Is Leaning At Impact: