Lifting Back Heel Too Much

By | on August 31, 2018 | 7 Comments | Array


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Paul Wilson is the creator of Swing Machine Golf and founder of Ignition Golf. Paul's golf swing technique is based on the Iron Byron swing machine. YouTube Channels: Paul Wilson Golf and Ignition Golf Tips. Please Join me on Google+

7 Responses to “Lifting Back Heel Too Much”

  1. May 2, 2016


    Well . . . Again you’ve hit the nail on the head. This time I had kind of figured it out myself, but this timely video reinforces it for me. I had recently started thinking about making sure my right heal was getting off the ground as my main downswing thought. I was overdoing it (too soon for sure & probably too much as well) & my results were inconsistant at best. Way too many pulls for sure. I went back to thinking about my left leg straightening for my downswing trigger and things are getting back to normal. Not sue why I felt the need to switch my downswing thought to my heal in the first place. Just the dumb stuff I slip into from time to time. I’ve got to get better at not over thinking this stuff.

    • Gary,

      Glad you caught this. I figured there were more people out there lifting too much. Once you get this definitely make it simple. Your body coils and uncoils. Connected to your body is an arm unit that hinges and rehinges. That’s it.

  2. My problem appears to be much deeper than lifting right heel too early. In an effort to lead the downswing with my lower body and get my hips open at impact, I am getting my weight left too early in general. Other than hitting balls flat-footed to cure the problem, any other drills, suggestions or tips?

    Regards, Mike

  3. What is typically the mishits when Lifting too much?

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      March 19, 2018

      Paul Wilson


      You are going to send it over the top. You could blade it or sky the driver.

      • Ok Thanks. I have been doing this because im driving my lower too hard and getting too far ahead of the release. Need to work on the turn pulling the heel of instead of Lifting as you mentioned 🙂

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