More Level Shoulder Rotation

By | on May 7, 2016 | 9 Comments | Array


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Paul Wilson is the creator of Swing Machine Golf and founder of Ignition Golf. Paul's golf swing technique is based on the Iron Byron swing machine. YouTube Channels: Paul Wilson Golf and Ignition Golf Tips. Please Join me on Google+

9 Responses to “More Level Shoulder Rotation”

  1. The taller position does that mean your swing is close to “the one plane swing”? Which also speaks about NOT hurting your back.

  2. Working on taller stance and it is definitely working. But, I am hitting some thin shots and topping the ball like you said on full shots, especially short irons, but the added power and especially direction are there when I do it right. Even when I top it, the ball heads toward the target.
    Backward tilt seems to help reduce the topping. Struggling with getting the right amount of backward tilt though. Another factor is that I have always flighted all my clubs lower than good players that I have played with.

  3. Hi Paul. Do I understand it correct that you can slightly see the toes at setup but not at all at the top? Or should it be the same?

    • Did some swings at home and to me it felt as if the left shoulder made it impossible to see the toes, even from the peripheral vision?

    • Stian,

      You would see your toes in your peripheral vision when you start. At the top you would not see your toes at all (if you are turning back on the right angle).

  4. November 14, 2020


    I think you have to tilt your left should a bit. I wish you would make a video showing this. The shoulders cannot be perfectly level I would think.

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      November 15, 2020

      Paul Wilson

      This video goes to golfers who are too tilted, in setup and when they are hitting the golf ball. You want your shoulders to be rotating more circular vs up and down like a see-saw. I see so many golfers too bent over at setup and then they end up going more up and down when hitting a golf ball. This can hurt the back and you will be inconsistent and lose power. All great golfers have been more upright and will rotate with their shoulders. If your shoulders turn more level to the ground then you will be fine, but if your shoulders are going more up and down when hitting a golf ball then you want to think about being more level. Film your swing and check it out the next time you go to hit golf balls.

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