Lesson 8 – Point A to B

By | on March 15, 2015 | 12 Comments | Array


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Paul Wilson is the creator of Swing Machine Golf and founder of Ignition Golf. Paul's golf swing technique is based on the Iron Byron swing machine. YouTube Channels: Paul Wilson Golf and Ignition Golf Tips. Please Join me on Google+

12 Responses to “Lesson 8 – Point A to B”

  1. Avatar photo

    May 8, 2016


    Is Point A to Point B the best video of explaining the Paul Wilson golf method…might there be others??? I find when I see and hear it explained in different ways I understand it better.

  2. Hello coach Paul ,

    Great news. I think I finally got the feeling of powerless arms today while practicing my swing. While doing A to B practice swings I felt the weight of the club pulling me from the downswing through the follow through. I was also able to strike the ball solidly without really focusing on it for the first time. Wow!! Many thanks. I will definitely keep working on it!


    • John,

      Very good. The feeling of not hitting is amazing. Just remember … if the club feels light your too tight. So get used to the heavy feeling After you do it for a while it will become natural.

  3. Avatar photo

    September 9, 2016


    Still feels very light… but keeping going as there is soem improvement

  4. Looks good. Now up to me

  5. August 16, 2018


    hi paul!

    i’m curious. you’ve never mentioned (i don’t think you have) looking at any particular spot during the swing. should we be looking anywhere in particular during the swing – like at the back of the ball or the spot behind the ball, etc.


  6. September 16, 2018


    Hi Paul,

    My understanding is the turning of the lower body bring the club head through the ball hitting area while unhinging my hands. My question is; what should I be thinking about as far as where is the club head through the hittin area in relation to the completion of the hip turn.

  7. January 10, 2019


    I have found trying your methods have improved my distance already ,

  8. October 7, 2020


    Paul, is there a slow motion of your swing I can watch? Thanks

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