Lag Stretch

By | on July 20, 2022 | 5 Comments | Array


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5 Responses to “Lag Stretch”

  1. October 19, 2017


    This is an excellent drill ,Jeremy,I’ll take to it,with both sides working.
    I have a similar one whcih I practice frequently with rubber bands (The ULTIMATE SWING TRAINER bands of MIKE BAUMANN ,but yours are also fine).The upper end of the bands (I put three in parallel) is squeezed at the top of a door ,I hold the handles in both hands to start with (This exercise requires quite some strength) ,then I let go of the right hand to leave only the left hand on the handles and I pull down .This exercises also the left triceps.
    To strengthen the wrists what exercses do you propose ?
    I use light dumbell weights and flip them over .
    For the fingers I use a spring device or a rubber grip you have to squeeze .
    I know Paul doesn’t like the idea ,but using your wrists to “flick” the handle at the end of the downswing gives more velocity to he clubhead :it’s like “cracking ” a whip .

  2. October 19, 2017


    The following question is for PAUL WILSON .
    Is there a proper way to load the wrists going up and unloading them going down ?
    You showed a video some time ago where the lag of SERGIO GARCIA (And maybe JAMIE SADOWSKI ,not quite sure) was demonstrated .
    I find that by keeping the wrists utterly loose, to the point the club seems to fall out of my hands ,is when I make my best drives .

  3. October 19, 2017


    great video!
    I also like my new favorite expression for all of these drills:
    1:50!”very golfy”

    great very golfy video!

    • I laughed at myself when I played that back too. Who say’s that?!?! I think the next video you’ll get from me is ‘very golfy’ as well. Hope you enjoy it. #blooperreel

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