Time To Kill The Critic

By | on May 15, 2023 | 4 Comments | Array


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4 Responses to “Time To Kill The Critic”

  1. August 14, 2012



    Excellent tip – the critic is a killer, so “keep your enemies close to you” applies here – I like the idea of embracing of the critic and de-personalising their message. I will try it asap – on the range and when playing,


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    August 14, 2012

    David Breslow

    Hi Doug!

    YES–depersonalizing it is important–it’s not you and never was–it’s just a “voice” that left to it’s own devices will “play on”. Embrace it and it loses steam–fight with it and it loves that and gets LOUDER AND LOUDER.

    Let me know what happens!

  3. Dave ,That is an excellent video lesson from you :m’y way OF dealing with the ” inner voice ,critical ” is to laugh it off ,but I Will try YOUR méthod OF calling it ” THAT “.
    Keep up the good job ,Dave .
    I take YOUR book every night before going to bed ,and read some paragraphs:keeps me confident in m’y GolF and swing making .
    Thank you!

  4. Hi David,
    This one hit close to home for me. When playing well, the voice is let the group watch this putt drop.
    My hang up is my pre putt routine, it’s a little different in that I like my stance open, left foot off line behind right foot putt line. Make putts all day practicing chips with wedge leading edge, from everywhere on green.
    In a round, My voice inside starts to question what the group thinks of the unorthodox set up, causing a short of quick putt pace.
    How do you block out a style of equipment that doesn’t conform to the average golfers?

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