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Indoor Practice – Cure Your Slice
Paul Wilson
on May 19, 2022
Tags: cure slicegolf releasehow to cure a slicehow to release golf club
Author Description
Paul Wilson is the creator of Swing Machine Golf and founder of Ignition Golf. Paul's golf swing technique is based on the Iron Byron swing machine. YouTube Channels: Paul Wilson Golf and Ignition Golf Tips. Please Join me on Google+
2 Responses to “Indoor Practice – Cure Your Slice”
May 5, 2020
EricBessetteIf done too early – does the “rollover” become a flip?
I struggle with wanting to rollover but I know I also have a bit of a flip in my swing.
I’m not sure how to find the happy medium!
May 6, 2020
Paul WilsonYou want to be doing the roll-over drill enough to start to get rid of any slice. If you slice the golf abll, hit the ball too high or your shots are short then you want to be doing this drill until you’re really good at it. This might be a week, a month or 6 months. It’s different for each person. Once you get good at this drill then you start to straighten out your shots by using your body turn. Golfers that “flip” the golf club are usually not using their body to hit the shot. Cure your slice first, then use your body. Check these out:
Uncoil 1:
Uncoil 2:
How To Stop Flipping Through Impact: