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Indoor Practice – Body – Down The Line
Paul Wilson
on July 28, 2022
Tags: golf practice swinghow to practice gol swingPractice
Author Description
Paul Wilson is the creator of Swing Machine Golf and founder of Ignition Golf. Paul's golf swing technique is based on the Iron Byron swing machine. YouTube Channels: Paul Wilson Golf and Ignition Golf Tips. Please Join me on Google+
7 Responses to “Indoor Practice – Body – Down The Line”
January 3, 2014
GaryDeinesPaul…..Great tip. OMG I wonder how long have I had a straight right leg when going into the top of the back swing?? I guess I would say always. My Bad. Now I really do have a plan for starting the downswing and then into the knees together position. Thanks again.
January 4, 2014
Paul WilsonGary,
This is a huge position. Start working on it right away. As you do, you will be in a better position to start the downswing. Glad you found the error.
January 3, 2014
RaymondCHASTELPaul,I practise at home every day as you recommend in front of a window and a small mirror .(Concave)
I also Check my tendency to”cross THE Line ” and how High do I raise my hands as I have THE defect to have a too short backswing ,also am I “parall
January 4, 2014
Paul WilsonRaymond,
Swinging at grass is like trying to hit an object. I want you not thinking about hitting anything. So work on getting to a perfect top of the backswing position and a perfect ending as well as setup. If you look great in these 3 areas you will have a great swing.
The backswing is slower than the downswing so trying to do them at the same speed doesn’t seem logical. Go slow back and focus on driving harder/faster with the lower body in the downswing.
February 25, 2021
This a good timing tip since I am working on improving my backswing. One question about starting moving golf club from ball at address position. I have seen some one on the web suggesting to move club straight back about one foot when you start the backswing. Is it a good suggestion I should follow?
February 26, 2021
Paul WilsonHaving a good one-piece takeaway is important to make sure that you start your swing off correctly. The first few feet of your swing is where you want to make sure that your body is moving the golf club not your arms moving the golf club. Check out these tips:
Drill – Correct Takeaway:
Paul’s Swing – Takeaway Analysis:
Say Yes – One Piece Takeaway:
Indoor Practice – Correct Takeaway Path:
February 26, 2021
LennyPaul, thanks again. For me, It is more important that when club is at halfway back, the shaft should be parallel to the target line and the leading edge should be aligned with your spine angle.
I like your indoor tips. Actually I spent more time practicing my swing indoor than going out to ranch (about 80 vs. 20 ratio). I only go to ranch when I feel comfortable with my swing and I need to hit ball to verify my swing. My club swing is getting better now. Thanks so much. I had 14 out of 18 holes with straight hit using my driver in my last golf course practice. I am so happy with your instructions.
Thanks again!