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How To Increase Clubhead Speed With A Headcover
Paul Wilson
on March 28, 2023
Tags: driver distancegolf powerhow to hit ball longerincrease clubhead speed
Author Description
Paul Wilson is the creator of Swing Machine Golf and founder of Ignition Golf. Paul's golf swing technique is based on the Iron Byron swing machine. YouTube Channels: Paul Wilson Golf and Ignition Golf Tips. Please Join me on Google+
3 Responses to “How To Increase Clubhead Speed With A Headcover”
September 6, 2020
DanKueblerLook forward to using your recent driver videos, Paul, this one in particular. Did jump on the “Speed” driver 3-4 weeks ago and I’m hitting the “gold” version well direction wise. Distance, I’m 180-200 yards. I’d like to exceed that distance even thought “75” is coming next week (1945!!).
September 26, 2020
DonaldSchwassHi Paul. I have been told i am having an issue with ” early extension”? Do you have a tip that can help with that?
September 30, 2020
Paul WilsonThese would be great videos to get you started on learning a better lower body move into the downswing:
Legs Touching:
Exactly How To Do Touch The Legs Position:
It’s a Turn Not A Jump:
Lean On Club to Touch Legs: