How Your Putter Should Sit

By | on July 4, 2024 | 19 Comments | Array


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Paul Wilson is the creator of Swing Machine Golf and founder of Ignition Golf. Paul's golf swing technique is based on the Iron Byron swing machine. YouTube Channels: Paul Wilson Golf and Ignition Golf Tips. Please Join me on Google+

19 Responses to “How Your Putter Should Sit”

  1. Paul,
    does the offset on the putter shaft or even the type of putter have any bearing on the toe being up? I watch my playing partners putt all the the time and the toe is usually up. Most of them use Anser style putters. I didn’t think that was right but I hate to give advice on the course because you may get blamed. Anyway great topic and thanks!

    • Wade,

      The offset should make no difference to how it sits. Try to have it flush or slightly toe up.

  2. Hi Paul, good tip, it easy to overlook our putting set-up. That putter head looks familiar, which model is it? Do you have an opinion on the left hand( for a right handed person) being lower than the right hand when putting?
    Thanks, Mike

    • Mike,

      That is the new Odyssey ProType. I really like it. Feels great.

      Left hand low is for people thinking about their stroke. Don’t think about your stroke then you never have to go left hand low.

      • September 8, 2019



        Great advice on not thinking about your stroke when putting – exactly what Bob Rotella recommends. He talks about Brad Faxon working on trying to think about nothing mechanical in his putting. Your advice to be target-focused is a great way to keep your mind away from the mechanics of the stroke.


        • Avatar photo

          September 17, 2019

          Paul Wilson


          Very good. To be a great putter we need to listen to great putters. They have the answers and usually they are simple.

  3. Ihave been doing the practice of my right leg touching my left leg in the follow thru. On the golf course when playing I try to incorporate this into my follow thru. However I keep hitting behind the ball. Like all my shots are fat. I know the ball is in the right postion in my stance. I can’t figure out what else could be wrong. Do you have any ideas?

  4. Excellent reminder .PAUL ,of THE basics of THE setup when putting .
    I have about THE same posture as you have ,maybe my elbows are
    More tucked in to my side:I try to keep upper arms and lower arms completely out of THE stroke ,which is only a rocking of the triangle shoulders / arms .However whis this compact posture I do what you mention,e.g THE toe of my putter is slightly off THE puttiing surface ,This r

    • Raymond,

      I think you need to check your putter and have it sitting flush. Maybe it is too long for you. Maybe your hands are too close to your body. Just check to see what you are doing to have the toe up too high. I wouldn’t want you bending a putter.

      I love that 2 ball putter. Feels great. My record is 56 in a row from 15 feet so I think I can putt with a mallet headed putter.

      • Paul ,I found out that getting my upper arms connected to THE torso stabilized my putting swing by getting THE arms completely out of THE movement .This in turn brought me closer to THE ball ,which causes that ” lift “of THE toe with THE normal 71

        • Raymond,

          Not sure I care about changing the loft. This is the first I have heard. Typically putters have 4 degrees loft. Do you think Ben Crenshaw, Brad Faxon and Bobby Locke changed the lofts on their putters. I highly doubt it. I would never want to bend my putter. This would be a HUGE mistake.

  5. Paul this is an excellent way to get the golfer to let the putter moving the way it should concept for me is same with other clubs then grip ( hold ) club hover off group and get the club moving. I teach Juniors and this is how we start…..they need to understand this from beginning. One thing I do with them that seems to develop good putting skills is depending on length of the putt have them sole the club then grip down for short putts then hover the club using the ladder drill I have used this with great success. Last year I had a 5 year old make 21 putts in row starring with 3 balls At one foot then 2 and so on back to 8 feet. he missed his first putt at 8 foot. And he was of happy. However all of the adults watching were very impressed! I love teaching this sport! Make a good day. Peace be with you. Debbie

    • Debbie,

      Glad you liked it. Yes, this is important. Glad you are getting the kids doing this so they don’t get into bad habits. Keep up the good work.

  6. October 19, 2019


    Is the way the putter best sits on the green effected at all by the loft on the putter? Most putters have a few degrees of loft, and I know with a lofted iron, hitting toe up (too upright) with make balls go left; is the same true for putting or at such low lofts does that rule no longer apply?

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      November 6, 2019

      Paul Wilson


      Not sure I answered this.

      The loft really has nothing to do with how it sits. The toe up left would be due to the shaft more into the heel with the mass farther away. Kind of easy to roll it closed. Plus, you will take it on too much of an arc from the inside. Not wanting to pull it you will close the face and pull it. I would have it as flush as possible.

  7. September 18, 2021


    Hi Paul,
    Do you have your weight of your feet 50-50?

  8. Hi Paul,

    How do you feel about lines on the ball to line the ball up to putt?

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      October 19, 2021

      Paul Wilson

      I am fine with you putting lines on the golf ball to help you align putts. I would include the lines with the line on your putter. Make sure when you do line up the golf ball lines you check it out a few times.

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