How To Hit A Fade

By | on July 24, 2016 | 14 Comments | Array


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Paul Wilson is the creator of Swing Machine Golf and founder of Ignition Golf. Paul's golf swing technique is based on the Iron Byron swing machine. YouTube Channels: Paul Wilson Golf and Ignition Golf Tips. Please Join me on Google+

14 Responses to “How To Hit A Fade”

  1. Great explanation ! I am really enjoying all your info! Thanks

  2. You talk about a draw and a “fake” draw. Is this a “fake” fade?

    • Niels,

      No. This is the only way to fade it. If you did an over top swing with an open face you get a slice. So I am not considering a slice a real fade.

  3. July 30, 2016


    Yup, this one is pretty easy to get and especially helpful for high pressure drives for me. Gives me that added room for error to get in the short grass. I was watching Sergio at the PGA Championship and he was doing essentially the same thing, but was still tending to lose it too far right. Seems like if you don’t commit to swing path to the left this will almost always be the result.

    How much distance penalty do you typically figure in when hitting the fade vs normal down the line swing for driver?

    Great stuff!


    • August 1, 2016

      Paul Wilson


      I am not losing anything hitting a fade because I can swing harder without losing it left. Ever heard of a power fade?

      The average player is going to fade it with tight wrists which is going to buckle the arms and add extra loft. So the draw/hook will go way longer.

  4. September 15, 2016


    Can I being a 17 handicapper start to hit fades?

    • September 15, 2016

      Paul Wilson


      At that level you are probably already hitting the ball with a fade. You need to learn how to hook it then straighten it out. Keep in mind I am not fading it from a swing flaw. I am fading it by changing my setup and doing my normal swing. At this stage you need to work on building a great swing and learning how to hook it. Every great player can do this so you need to do it too. Also, every great player started the same way you are now (although they were most likely a kid). Just stay focused on the positions. Pete’s suggestions and the drills I teach. At some point in the future you can learn how to work the ball.

      • September 16, 2016


        Ok thanks. I worked on not moving my head too much now, and by doing the one piece takeaway feeling the Y move into the backswing has really helped. Played my best round ever 🙂 i can really work the coil in the back shoulder and start down with my legs with the head more in the right position (I think). Will send Pete for the next analysis 😉

        • September 16, 2016

          Paul Wilson


          Good. Just take it one step at a time. If you work on everything you will accomplish nothing. Stay focused.

  5. October 30, 2016



    Just to clarify. When you change your alignment from square to open to the target, you you don’t change your grip. Your hands maintain the same position on the club. What then happens is that the forward arm (for a rightie) moves toward the left leg. so that the face is open to the adjusted alignment. When you swing, the club returns to this same angled position at impact. Is that right?

    • Avatar photo

      October 31, 2016

      Paul Wilson


      Yes, you are changing your stance. If you aim left you need to swing left. The face is open to this path so the ball will start left and fade back to the target.

  6. Hi Paul
    Is it possible to have the right video , because we fall on a video of Jerome , instead of having your video about “How to hit a fade’ ?

    Thank a lot

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