How and Why You Waggle

By | on March 17, 2024 | 8 Comments | Array


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Paul Wilson is the creator of Swing Machine Golf and founder of Ignition Golf. Paul's golf swing technique is based on the Iron Byron swing machine. YouTube Channels: Paul Wilson Golf and Ignition Golf Tips. Please Join me on Google+

8 Responses to “How and Why You Waggle”

  1. Hi Paul,

    I’m desperately trying to implement your thought processes. I must admit that I am having a bit of trouble with the thought process of a 2 of 10 grip pressure at the setup of the club behind the ball. My issue is that in attempting to keep a light grip I am keeping a light grip throughout the swing. I know I haven’t engrained the feeling right as yet. To a large extent the right hand fingers have a feeling of barely touching the club. In writing this I may be placing too much pressure in the left hand to compensate for the right loose fingers.

    Is there a bit of guidance you can offer on what I should fee through the swing on grip pressure?

    Best wishes,

    • Tom,

      I think you need some clarification here:

      You grip is relaxed at setup so you are not all locked up before you even start the swing. Yes, I am 2 out of 10 when I start. In no way is my grip light as I take the club back and swing down and through.

      I am holding on at 8 out of 10 by the time I get to the top. My grip is this pressure until the follow through. With my grip at this pressure my wrists are loose not the grip.

      My Grip Pressure:

      Secure Grip Loose Wrists:

      So do not swing at 2 out of 10. Focus on the tips above and start to incorporate them into to your swing.

  2. Being right handed I struggle with keeping my left arm straight in the swing and when do you bend it

  3. Paul ,
    BEN HOGAN put a lot of emphasis in his waggle ,which he saw as a preview of his golf swing .
    Do you feel like him that the waggle with the arms (or wrists as you demonstrate) to be essential in the start of the golf swing ?
    I waggle with my feet only ,which means I move slightly my weight back and forth several times ,before I set off in my backswing .
    Should I change to your method ?

    • Raymond,

      I don’t know if I am waggling with my arms. How would the club hinge if you used your arms? You are not doing a waggle that is you staying in motion. I have seen this before. The person does this and the club goes back and forth. This person did not do this well at all and was all locked up before taking it back. If pros waggle you should waggle.

  4. July 25, 2018


    Paul —

    Thanks for all the tips…I am a little confused…it seems the waggle you demonstrate would suggest and ingrain an early wrist hinge which seems run contrary of a one piece take away where you can see the grooves on the club face in early part of swing….

    • Pete,

      No. I am waggling it to keep my wrists loose. In no way do I pull it back with my arms and neither should you. It is about staying loose.

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