Did You Hook It, Without Trying To?

By | on July 14, 2023 | 7 Comments | Array


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Paul Wilson is the creator of Swing Machine Golf and founder of Ignition Golf. Paul's golf swing technique is based on the Iron Byron swing machine. YouTube Channels: Paul Wilson Golf and Ignition Golf Tips. Please Join me on Google+

7 Responses to “Did You Hook It, Without Trying To?”

  1. Avatar photo

    August 3, 2020


    call me obsessive…I check my grip prior to every practice swing 🙂

  2. August 3, 2020


    I seem to have the opposite problem. I do practice the roll over drill frequently., and on the course as a reshot routine. When I get tired or anxious particularly on short irons, I tend to slice or push the shot to the right. When I make the grip a little stronger, the ball flight straightens, especially for the shorter irons, and I hit more greens. As more confidence develops I began to release better and now the hook shows up especially on the longer clubs. Unless I am just having problems with synching body rotation with firing of the hips, I am not sure where to start. Injuries to my back (pinched nerve) and left knee (cartilage) has complicated my swing. There are times when I cannot hook the ball period or even a draw it. I played with a draw for 30+ years with a flatter swing. The more upright swing has been tough to maintain. Any suggestions?

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      August 4, 2020

      Paul Wilson

      Obviously you do not want to do anything that will hurt your body. Double check your grip first, is it too weak or is it strong? Too weak could cause you to have trouble to fully accomplish the roll over drill, too strong and you will get hooks without trying to hit them. If your grip is neutral and you still slice the ball then you need to continue to do the roll over drill until you fix the slice. If you still do it on the golf course then try rolling some shots out there also. This will also help with getting some extra distance with having some physical issues. Roll until every golf ball hooks, then slowly start to add some legs/hips. Check this out:

      Master One Or The Other – Body or Hinge: https://ignitiongolf.com/master-body-or-hinge/

  3. August 4, 2020


    Perfect, Paul – guilty as charged!!!! Couple weeks ago I got real tired of hooking the devil out of long clubs. Soooo, thinking about it I thought where would Paul start??? Yep, grip immediately came to mind. What I found was amazing, however. Yes, it was my right hand (right handed), rolled underneath. It’s amazing how “little strong” it takes to cause the hook problem. – I mean I rotated right hand 1/2″ or so back to neutral and problem was fixed!!! Sooo, now I methodically grip the club correctly for each shot – and, it’s paying off!!! Thanks again, Paul.

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      August 5, 2020

      Paul Wilson

      You definitely need to be checking the grip daily. It only takes a few seconds. Your grip will always be trying to get to a position of more power.

  4. August 23, 2020


    good morning Paul, I have lost my confidence in my iron shots….. It is time for me to have a video chat on Coachlink…. But I need to get to a driving range first… What time are you free this afternoon?

    Anyway, I am either pushing my irons to the right (Usually 10~15 yards), or hooking to the left 15~20 yards… I check my grips constantly to the point of weakening my left hand grip to the max (one knuckle)…. but will end up pushing to the right….. so I am over thinking maybe is not my grip but my swing plane? so I started to swing behind my right ear or in front my right ear to see what happens? Then more confusing results!!!

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