Hold It Fix It

By | on March 20, 2016 | 6 Comments | Array


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Paul Wilson is the creator of Swing Machine Golf and founder of Ignition Golf. Paul's golf swing technique is based on the Iron Byron swing machine. YouTube Channels: Paul Wilson Golf and Ignition Golf Tips. Please Join me on Google+

6 Responses to “Hold It Fix It”

  1. Hi Paul. I tend to move my head way too much in the backswing and also dipping down in the downswing. Any good tips to prevent this? Thanks:)

  2. Hi Paul, this is a vary good lesson for me, I tend to look for the ball, not for the position i end, i will try, hop for good improvement.

    • March 21, 2016

      Paul Wilson


      Glad you see it. I keep telling everyone it’s not about the ball. It is about developing a great swing. A great swing will hit great shots.

  3. March 24, 2016


    What faults would prevent us from getting to the touch the head position. I do touch my knees as per your instruction. However, my hands are only three quarters of the way at the completion of my swing. Suggestions?


    • March 24, 2016

      Paul Wilson


      If you are not doing the follow through you are hitting with your arms and way too tight. You are basically hitting the ball and not caring what happens after you hit the ball. Seen it a million times. What you need to be doing is physically taking the club and bringing it to the back of your head. Your swing is not over until it is touching. So even if it is long after the ball is gone take the the club and touch your head. Get it touching every time. Then start working on getting the clubshaft to touch. In other words take it in 2 steps. You have to start somewhere. If you just keep doing what you are doing it is never going to change.

      I would also be doing 3 practice swings to every ball. So you tee up your ball. Stand away from it. Do 3 practice swings physically touching your head. Then step up and apply the very same feeling you just had in your practice swings. When doing this you don’t care about the ball or hitting good shots. All you have to do it focus on touching. I would also be doing practice swings every night at home. This way there is no ball to hit so you can focus on mastering the position.

      Once you do this for a while it should go there on its own.

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