Hitting The Ball Closer To Your Target

By | on September 2, 2024 | 4 Comments | Array


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4 Responses to “Hitting The Ball Closer To Your Target”

  1. Would this technique be applied in the pre-shot routine or in the setup part of the shot?

  2. David, I have been a subscriber for about 15 months. Your videos have opened an additional avenue in learning the game of golf. This is one of my most favorite of yours. I put it to use immediately especially around the green and it really works! When I first started Ignition Golf in February, 2018, my index was 22.2 and not improving. In May, 2019, it Was 19.4. The first of July it was 16.2 and Monday when the new indexes come out I expect it to be much lower. To summarize, you give a “Peaceful Confidence” to my game. I have been playing this game for 50 years and am playing the best, most consistent golf of my life. I’ll be 76 next month. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

  3. July 15, 2019 new index is 15!

    • Stephen,

      Great stuff. I love hearing it. Keep doing the practice swings and mastering the positions. It is all about the movement.

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