How I Would Hit A Skyed Shot

By | on August 18, 2016 | 8 Comments | Array


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Paul Wilson is the creator of Swing Machine Golf and founder of Ignition Golf. Paul's golf swing technique is based on the Iron Byron swing machine. YouTube Channels: Paul Wilson Golf and Ignition Golf Tips. Please Join me on Google+

8 Responses to “How I Would Hit A Skyed Shot”

  1. August 19, 2016


    This tip was very timely for me. I was getting ready to search your site for a fix for saying my drives. The cure seems so simple that I can’t wait to get out tomorrow and apply this to my tee shot. I don’t sky every drive and many are hit like I did in my younger years. Thank you for curing what has be hurting my scoring.

  2. I’m afraid I’ve sacrificed my driver too many times doing this! Now I see the fix seem so simple!
    Thanks…and my Driver thanks you.

  3. Good démonstration as to Why keep your head back when executing THE throughswing ( Not so easy to acheive if you don’t concentrate your attention on it )
    OF course ,you also sky your drive if you TEE THE Ball too high ,,which Some teachers recommend to launch THE Ball higher and longer .But if you do so ,make sure your élevated TEE is in front OF your left big toe ,and not inside your left foot .

    • August 19, 2016

      Paul Wilson


      Yeah, but no person who regularly skys the ball will ever tee it high. Instead they tee it lower than normal so they don’t sky it.

  4. September 8, 2018


    Hi Paul,

    How come my balls are going so high, especially with lower irion. Lob wedge and 9 and 8 irion.
    Thanks for your reply.

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