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How I Would Shank It
Paul Wilson
on August 21, 2016
Tags: hosel golf shotshankshank golfshank golf ball
Author Description
Paul Wilson is the creator of Swing Machine Golf and founder of Ignition Golf. Paul's golf swing technique is based on the Iron Byron swing machine. YouTube Channels: Paul Wilson Golf and Ignition Golf Tips. Please Join me on Google+
8 Responses to “How I Would Shank It”
August 22, 2016
terrybadgerHi Paul,
This applies to those shots when i’m using a wedge, but i have been shanking some shots with longer irons. i think it is from turning my hips too fast and/ or when i am trying to get my head behind the ball. i try to follow the 2 axis lesson and then the head behind the ball and the lagging wrist lessons. Then all hell breaks loose and i will shank some. i think it is the swing path. Please help.
August 22, 2016
Paul WilsonTerry,
You may be confusing shanking with balding. If the shot squirts right and radiates in your hands you bladed it. If it felt okay then you shanked it. You can also check the hosel to be certain. Driving your hips too hard could certain cause bladed shots but unless you were tilted too much at set up you would most likely not be shanking it.
So first off, do the checks I mentioned above.
Next, do the taller set up:
A New Way To Get The Taller Setup:
From my setup it is very difficult to shank it.
Next, slow down and turn the arms off. As I mentioned in this tip shanking is hitting from the with the arms.
If in fact I am right and you are blading it as opposed to shanking it you need to watch this if you want more distance:
DRILL: Golf Swing Timing For More Distance:
Also, I highly doubt you are shanking it because you have been a member for quite a while and never mentioned it. Now you are trying to get more power you are telling me about it.
August 23, 2016
terrybadgerHi Paul,
Thanks for the comments. i will try to be aware of vibrations in my hands, but i don’t think there were any. i will work only setup as well. All i know is it goes right almost immediately and does not get more than a few feet off the ground. i think it happens when i try to get my head behind the ball. i have been working on that because i have a habit of pushing the ball to the left with my upper body. In a nutshell my follow-through needs work. When i try to think of ending my swing with the proper follow through my arms turn on. When i slow down, everything goes really straight, and i mean within 10 yards of the target line. The divot line is exactly on the target line, however the distances with any one club vary more than 10 yards. The best i can hit with a 4 iron is about 160 yds. and if i try for more it all goes to hell in a hand basket. i imagine you will tell me to just stick with that for thousands of more shots until it is so natural that i will be able to speed up successfully. i can live with that because everyone says i have a great looking practice swing, but then i try to hit the ball and …..
golf is tough,
August 23, 2016
Paul WilsonTerry,
Make sure you clean off the hosel of your clubs as well. If you hit one of those shots take a look for marks. If no marks you are blading it. I have fixed tons of shankers over the years just by getting them to do the taller setup. So simple. So make sure you check that first. Don’t clearly see your toes at setup.
Not sure why people don’t do the follow through even thought I keep stressing it. Just focus on mastering it. Once you get the basic shape of the swing mastered then and only then speed it up for more power. This would be more leg drive not hitting harder for power.
So, hitting is a problem for you an most others. You need to stay focused on position not hitting hard. Swing at 50% for a while. You know it works so trust it.
Confidence Breeds Distance:
August 24, 2016
terrybadgerHi Paul,
Thanks again for the response. i tried the following out on the driving range yesterday, and i think i know what it is. When i try to get my head behind the ball in the downswing, i alter the swing path and i slice it or shank it. i went back to the coil-and-uncoil mantra/swing thought and everything was better. Probably my head is already behind the ball and i was just overemphasizing it.
i absolutely am going to follow your advice and just concentrate on a slower swing speed, arm extension, and follow through.
August 24, 2016
Paul WilsonTerry,
Also, keep in mind if you are trying to manually keep your head behind the ball you are not looking for great shots. You are looking to change the path. Once you get the path attaching more from the inside, you then forget about the head position and work on the touch the legs position to get it the right amount.
August 25, 2016
terrybadgerHi Paul,
i just saw your 2 tips on how you would hit pushes and pulls. i can see i was over sliding instead of turning to get those horrific slice shots. There were probably other factors too like bending over too much or standing too close as you said.
August 26, 2016
Paul WilsonTerry,
Very good. The body tilt determines the path. Tilt too much and you will swing too much from the inside. Not enough tilt and you will be over the top. This is not to say manually tilting isn’t important but as I said this would be a drill it’s not forever. Focus on the touch the legs position and you should have it.