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How Much Should Your Hips Move In Your Swing?
Paul Wilson
on January 7, 2024
Tags: coilinghip rotationhipsHips Golf Swing
Author Description
Paul Wilson is the creator of Swing Machine Golf and founder of Ignition Golf. Paul's golf swing technique is based on the Iron Byron swing machine. YouTube Channels: Paul Wilson Golf and Ignition Golf Tips. Please Join me on Google+
2 Responses to “How Much Should Your Hips Move In Your Swing?”
December 20, 2020
RandMellorPaul, great tip and I have a question for u: I’m going to use the alignment stick to check my hip rotation up to and thru contact—-and try to make sure I’m rotating them (hips) thru the shot….what do u think?? Thx, Rand
January 8, 2024
DonaldForresterHi Paul,
As an elderly senior who has limited ROM in T Spine and have trouble getting to 90 degrees of rotation even with heal lift (nice tip).
While working on getting to 90 degrees what are your thoughts on hip rotation as percent of shoulder rotation for less than 90 degrees of shoulder rotation.
Still 50%?
Too cold in Sacramento for golf for me at any rate. Should be out in February when temps get in 60’s.
Enjoy your weather.
Best, Don