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How Your Hip Speed Affects Power
Paul Wilson
on September 25, 2015
Tags: golf hip speedGolf Swing Hipspower
Author Description

Paul Wilson is the creator of Swing Machine Golf and founder of Ignition Golf. Paul's golf swing technique is based on the Iron Byron swing machine. YouTube Channels: Paul Wilson Golf and Ignition Golf Tips. Please Join me on Google+
53 Responses to “How Your Hip Speed Affects Power”
September 26, 2012
RonCalabresePaul, that’s a great video. Presently, my driver swing speed with the monitor you’re using is around 96 MPH. Is there an accurate graph of swing speed versus carry distance, eliminating the launch angle and similar variables?
At 68 years old, your 117 MPH speed would probably cause injury, don’t you think?!
Thanks, Ron
September 26, 2012
Paul WilsonRon, Glad you liked it. Thanks.
The Swing Speed Radar comes with a graph. Here it is: http://www.swingspeedradar.com/distancevsswingspeed.html
Yes, if you could get it 117 that would be a miracle. When you see me swing slowly though I can get it to almost 100. This to me feels like I am not swinging at it at all. If you can go for 100mph by turning a little faster and keeping the wrists a little looser you will faster than 95% of all golfers I would think. If you get it that fast then go to 105mph. You can do it.
September 26, 2012
BryanRhoadesPaul…this is so true. I played in a 4 man scramble yesterday and these 3 guys hadn’t seen me play in a year. They were flabergasted at my improvement. The one comment over and over was…your swing is so balanced…its like your barely swinging. On one drive I cleared trees on a dogleg and hit it 290. I also shot an 80 last weekend. All I can say to everyone is that diligence pays off. Watch these tips over and over while studying the SMG book and video series and it will click. Took me over a year but I was a tough nut to crack. All I think now after setup and alignment is “Left shoulder….Touch Legs”. It’s that simple. Thanks Paul.
September 26, 2012
Paul WilsonBryan, That’s great news. Can you send me a video testimonial? I would love to post it on the site. In fact I am going to send this message to everyone.
I love it when students improve then play with their friends. It must get them thinking. Maybe they will join IG.
September 26, 2012
BryanRhoadesOh most definitely!!! Better yet I think I have footage from a year or two ago when I was trying some stack & tilt method and of course can get you some of my swing now. I chuckle at that old video where I’m so flat footed in my downswing and have hardly any firing of the right side. It’s like my right foot was in cement…not to mention the tension in my wrists/arms. Glad those days are gone…I almost quit.
September 26, 2012
Paul WilsonBryan, That would be great if you could show the old swing in the new swing. It would show a dramatic difference I’m sure. I can always edit it together if you need me to. Please let me know thanks.
September 26, 2012
I love this video as well as comments by RON AND Bryan. I get so much from all of these sources.
You did a video with one of your students a few days ago and was very impressed with his swing. I would be interested in how long you have been working with him and how did his swing change since you started with him?
In reference to this video; when you are playing golf does your hip rotation speed change with different clubs or do you find that you play better if you keep it constant no matter if you are hitting your driver to a wide fairway or hitting your wedge?
September 26, 2012
Paul WilsonJim, glad you like the videos. Thanks.
That video was shot after Pat’s 6th lesson. Before he came to me he was doing the stack and tilt swing which was not working for him. So his swing has dramatically changed it still needs more work but it’s coming along.
With shorter clubs such as pitching wedge or sand wedge you are not really driving the legs as hard as you can. This is why most people hit pulled shots with these clubs. The motor (legs) are not firing as fast as they should so the person tends to start the arms first in the downswing. This causes the pull.
In my book and videos I recommend that people think about starting the downswing by turning the belt buckle as opposed to driving the legs real hard with the lower body. In doing so you still get the lower body initiating the downswing which illuminates the pull. You may want to use this as your trigger with lower clubs.
With longer clubs you are definitely driving the lower body as hard as you can.
September 26, 2012
RichardLongPaul best tip video that Ive seen. Very very telling.
For an average golfer this is the holy grail. Congrats!
September 26, 2012
Paul WilsonRichard, glad you liked it. This is the Holy Grail that seems to elude the great majority of golfers. If I can only get people to think about the lower body that is a huge step. If they are at least thinking of using the lower body they are doing something upper was doing. If the person is thinking about hitting the golf ball with their arms there is no way they are going to reach their potential. Hopefully everyone else sees the importance of this tip starts to incorporate it into their swing too.
November 14, 2012
I watched this video again, worked on it and pickup (on the average) 10 mph with my 7 iron. There is one thing I discovered if I turn my club upside down a do my normal swing about 10 or 20 times with the speed radar I am about 20 mph faster. When go back to swing the normal way I retain a lot that speed. Then, I started thinking more about swinging loose and firing the hips and matched it a few times.
The motion remind of me when I played baseball as a kid. Like when you tried to hit one that was low and outside. It feels like the same motion. I don’t know if that make any sense but that was a long time ago for me.
Anyway thanks again!
November 15, 2012
Paul WilsonWade, That is great that you saw and increase in swing speed when flipping the club. I will have to try it. If I like it I will shoot at tip about it. Thanks.
The golf swing uses the same 3 elements are baseball. If you can relate the golf swing to this move keep doing it. This is a great thought. Most people who play golf are doing so like bunting in baseball. You need to hit a home run. To do this the wrists must be loose.
November 15, 2012
I turned the club upside after reading something about fast twitch muscles vs slow switch. Then I thought may I could see how fast I swing with “no head and no ball” on the radar. I was surprised at the speed. So that told me the speed in me … somewhere. LOL When I went back the club felt heavy but when I swung my club head speed was faster by about 7 or 8 mph after a few tries. I kept swinging but trying to push my hips and speed increase about 3 or 4 miles after a few bad ones. Then I start trying to loosen up because I think I was getting tense. At that point a few times I hit around the same speed as the upside down club.
November 16, 2012
OK did some more swings and discovery. Part of the problem for me is the ball. I did continue to see the most increase in speed by turning the club upside down but with holding club in the normal position with no ball I saw an increase, also. I put the ball back and then my speed decreased. So started to try get looser in the arms and make sure I hinged and it got a little better.
So next I thinking maybe I am still worried about making solid contact but with the method you have given me I solved that problem months ago. When I go to the range I hit a 7 iron that the average carry about 145 yards and most are fairly straight with some hooks and fades. I was told this is about normal for most amateurs. I have been playing for about one year but I am 6’2” about 200 pounds at age 55.
Anyway at one point I said out loud to myself “F***” the ball just swing the club. It worked! It took many swings but it worked. I tried to remember the sound the upside club made and just swung.
At this point I think golf is more mental hurdle than physical one for me.
November 19, 2012
Paul WilsonWade, you are getting it. Just keep focused on the lower body as the power source. If you keep doing this you have no reason to hit anymore with the arms. It is when people are not even thinking about the legs that they never get it. At least you are thinking of it. Keep doing lots of practice swings off the ground. This will continue to give you the feeling so you can get used to it.
DRILL: Swing Off Ground: https://ignitiongolf.com/drill-swing-off-ground
DRILL: Listen to Club Swinging: https://ignitiongolf.com/drill-listen-to-club
DRILL: Firing Legs in Downswing: https://ignitiongolf.com/drill-knee-ball-power
DRILL: Belt Buckle Clubhead: https://ignitiongolf.com/drill-belt-buckle-clubhead
January 22, 2013
DesEllisHi Paul,
My swing has improved leaps and bounds due to your great lessons in getting the right leg to touch the left leg on follow through.
I was playing the other day with my mate who is a +1 handicapper .
He says my major fault is not enough wrist action he says i have a good lag but not enough ZIP as he described it in the last few feet of my swing before impact with the ball,
I caddied a long side Raffa cabrera Bellos from Spain at the Irish Open and was amazed at his wrist action for the last few feet of his swing.
Any tips Paul on improving my wrist action to get more”ZIP” in those last few feet or do i gat this by simply being loose?!
January 23, 2013
Paul WilsonDes,
Glad you are starting to improve. It’s great to hear.
For wrist action you need to been working on your lag and and the release. I have done a bunch of tips here:
How to Feel Lag: https://ignitiongolf.com/downswing-lag-1
How To Feel Lag 2: https://ignitiongolf.com/lag-follow-up
Lag Drill: https://ignitiongolf.com/drill-lag
Lag Drill 2: https://ignitiongolf.com/drill-move-hips-hold-lag
Lag And Release Drill: https://ignitiongolf.com/lag-release-drill
Manually Square the Clubface: https://ignitiongolf.com/impact-squaring-clubface
Manually Square the Clubface (Follow Up): https://ignitiongolf.com/impact-squaring-face-follow-up
DRILL: Grip Down Drill: https://ignitiongolf.com/drill-grip-down
Drill: Grip Down Drill 2: https://ignitiongolf.com/drill-feel-wrist-release/
You can always find more tips by searching Impact through the red navigation bar.
January 23, 2013
DesEllisThanks Paul Brilliant Keep up your great work!
January 23, 2013
Paul WilsonDes,
Thank you very much.
January 23, 2013
I am getting good release of the club with the irons but not so good with the driver why would that be?
January 24, 2013
Paul WilsonDes,
Because you are trying to hit the driver too hard. Do it slowly (forget the ball). Get good at it. Then speed up the lower body rotation to hit it farther.
January 24, 2013
Thanks human nature to whack the driver!
Best drills on the web
Keep up the great work.
April 16, 2013
paulelliottHi Paul,
My swing has really improved and my timing with lower body is a lot better and smoother BUT i am having problems at top of backswing i cant hinge my wrists in normal play but i can do in practice swing!
I am constantly swinging club to loosen wrists will i get this eventually in my swing?
April 17, 2013
Paul WilsonPaul,
You are tightening up because you are trying to hit the ball with your arms (too hard). You will not get this looser feeling into your swing until you change the way you think. You are trying for distance. I am trying to make the correct movement. The correct movement gives me all the distance I could ask for. So for the next while swing at 50%. Forget all about distance and just try to hit the fairway. Also, go back slowly. This will allow you enough time to set the backswing. Forget about hitting great shots and focus on doing the position on the course. It is all about doing something different than you are currently doing. If the backswing feels comfortable you are doing it wrong. This is new so it should feel different. After you keep doing this different feeling it will feel okay. Quit fighting it and just make the change.
April 16, 2013
paulelliottI forgor to say i havent hinged my wrists properly for years probably why im stuck on a 6 handicap!
Cheers Paul for all your help!
April 17, 2013
Paul WilsonPaul,
If pros hinge their wrists you should be hinging your wrists. They are lower than a 6 hdcp.
April 17, 2013
paulelliottYou misunderstood me! NOT hinging my wrists is why I am stuck on a 6 handicap!
April 17, 2013
Paul WilsonPaul,
No I go totally got you. That is why I said pros hinge their wrists. You are not. They are better than you so you need to be doing what they are doing … hinging. So get hinging.
April 17, 2013
paulelliottie i havent improved! because i am not hinging my wrists!
April 19, 2013
paulelliottI will I will !! Ta
April 19, 2013
paulelliottHi Paul,
I noticed that when i dont take a proper FULL shoulder turn I dont hinge my wrists I think that was part of my problem
Thanks for all your help
April 19, 2013
Paul WilsonPaul,
Watch tonight’s replay tip of how to increase your shoulder turn.
September 6, 2013
JohnSteenHi Paul,
I have been working on yout techniq now for some months and finally I am hitting a lot more fairways and my hcp has lowered.
But I have problems to avoid pushes and push fades when I increase my hip rotation. What could be wrong, I have got a increased speed but the push fades are a problem.
June 12, 2014
RaymondCHASTELFine demonstration ,Paul ,I ‘ve looked up this video again and again .The difference between the “slow”rotation and the “fast “rotation is 20MPH for you,a bit more than 20%.
Apart from the ULTIMATE SWING TRAINER and Jeremy’s drills with the hips (The “frog “drill ! in particular )and the SOMAX HIP TRAINER ,do you know of any other device to train our hips to move faster?
I cannot lay my hands on the SOMAX HIP TRAINER ,BOB PRITCHARD denies me the right to buy it from him on account of my age (80) .He says I’m too old to make any progress …Not nice from him but probably damn right !
It is true I haven’t made any significant improvent in the past 12 months in this faster hip rotation ,though I ‘m trying real hard .At least my shots are always straight and pure with your ‘POWERLESS ARMS “method .
A small consolation prize !
June 12, 2014
Paul WilsonRaymond,
Glad you liked it.
I do not know of other training devices for hip rotation. You really should be doing the swings off the ground at top speed. This will get the hips moving faster. Top speed is out of control fast.
Age is definitely a factor but I do have an 81 year old who was flying it 256 yards on a 34 degree day last time I worked with him. I can be done but you have to turn faster.
June 14, 2014
HowardMillerPaul, would it be possible to show a split screen with the 97 snd 117 side by side?
Maybe in slow motion??
Thanks for your brilliant coaching!
June 15, 2014
Paul WilsonHoward,
Great idea. I will shoot this in the near future. Thanks.
June 14, 2014
DavidCalvertHi paul
Is it possible to ago purchase a swing speed radar here in australia?
Or can we purchase one in the states and send it over?
Many thanks
June 15, 2014
Paul WilsonDavid,
Unfortunately, no you cannot buy this unit in Australia. It is Dopplar Radar and has to be licensed in your country. Not sure when or if they will be selling it there.
June 14, 2014
June 15, 2014
Paul WilsonPeg,
Glad you liked it. Thanks for the feedback and the support. I truly appreciate it.
November 9, 2014
michealcarlePaul, Thanks for the coaching my swing is improved immensely. I have been working on increasing my hip speed which I think I have been successful at but the problem is my loose arms can’t keep up with the hips so I’m pushing the ball. What can I do?
November 9, 2014
Paul WilsonMichael,
Glad you are improving. I did a tip on driving the hips too hard. You can find it here:
Driving Hips Too Hard – Release Progression: https://ignitiongolf.com/release-progression/
January 23, 2015
HermanKohHi Paul,
I am told that pros and better players stall their hips on the downswing. Why is this happening and how do I work on this?
January 23, 2015
Paul WilsonHerman,
In every golf swing the hips actually come to a complete stop at my release point. This is why it is so important.
You do not have to work on this as it happens on its own. Just keep trying to power the swing with your lower body working on loading your weight 80% into the back instep/heel at the top and going right through to my touch the legs position. Keep getting better and better at this and you will have the correct hip action and power source in your swing.
Impact Hip Rotation (at camera): https://ignitiongolf.com/impact-hip-rotation/
September 26, 2015
IanHenryHi Paul, I have been doing your swing fo a couple of years and it has really helped, I have a swing radar and no matter how fast I do the hip rotation I can only get to about 70 mph, I have done six months on the Somax and all your positions of hinging, touch the legs, lag, release but no matter what I do I can sometimes get a 80 mph swing but only very rarely, 70 is the normal. What could I be doing fundamentally wrong? Kind regards Ian.
September 27, 2015
Paul WilsonIan,
When I see students hip rotation at the school they are not even close to how fast I am moving. If you feel you are moving them adequately then you need to be working on hinging and re-hinging the club. You can have the best rotation in the world but if your wrists are locked you will not get the whipping action of the club. So start work on loosening the wrists. Hinge/Rehing. In the dashbaord there is a whole section in Distance. You should be watching and working on all of these videos. Also, why not do a swing anyalsis with us so we can get you on track. There is a nominal fee for us to check it but it clarifies what you are doing right or wrong.
Check these 2 positions first:
3 Ways to Set The Top of the Backswing: https://ignitiongolf.com/backswing-top-3-ways
Follow Through
One Of The Secrets To The Golf Swing: https://ignitiongolf.com/secrets-to-golf-swing/
Here are some drills:
DRILL: Release and Rehinge: https://ignitiongolf.com/drill-feel-release-rehinge
DRILL: Smooth Wrist Release: https://ignitiongolf.com/smooth-wrist-release/
DRILL: Watch Your Release: https://ignitiongolf.com/drill-watch-release/
DRILL: 3 Ways To Roll It Over: https://ignitiongolf.com/3-ways-to-roll/
DRILL: Smooth Wrist Release: https://ignitiongolf.com/smooth-wrist-release/
DRILL: Grip Down Drill: https://ignitiongolf.com/drill-grip-down/
DRILL: Grip Down Drill 2: https://ignitiongolf.com/drill-feel-wrist-release/
DRILL: Re-Hinge the Club to 90 Degrees: https://ignitiongolf.com/drill-rehinge-club-90-degrees/
DRILL: Grip Down To Feel The Release: https://ignitiongolf.com/grip-down-feel-release/
Roll Over:
DRILL: 3 Ways To Roll It Over: https://ignitiongolf.com/3-ways-to-roll/
Golf Swing Timing For More Distance: https://ignitiongolf.com/timing-more-distance/
September 26, 2015
RaymondCHASTELPaul ,TIGER WOODS ,RORY Mc ILROY have impressively fast hip rotations.
Now what about the lower legs :when you yourself swing ,your left knee comes inwards towards the ball,but the left heel is stuck to the ground .
I saw a video of LYDIA KO wher she trains with a rubber band looping around her lower calves,to keep the lower legs apart ,to create more torque .
Do you advise to “resist ” with the lower legs staying apart ,or let them go, the left knee angling towards the right knee,as did many top golfers of the generation before WW 2 ,such as HENRY PICARD ,ROGER COTTON and others ?
September 27, 2015
Paul WilsonRaymond,
They sure do. So it is pretty obvious that longer hitters are moving their hips faster yet everyone want to hit at the ball hard. They are looking at the wrong thing.
Torque is a huge part of coiling and uncoiling. That is why I have done numerous tips on it. If you turn your lower body along with the upper it feels like you have a lot of power but that power in in your arms to hit down at the ball. You need to see the body as a spring. You coil tight you uncoil. When you coil the spring you coil the top this moves the lower into position and creates torque. Then you uncoil with the lower body.
September 27, 2015
IanHenryHi Paul, Thank you very much for your considered and long answer, it is most appreciated. I will send some videos for analysis as you suggest and also work on the points you raise, kind regards Ian.
September 27, 2015
IanHenryHi Paul, Sorry it’s me again, I can’t find how to send videos to you for analysis, can you send me the link and how to pay you, many thanks kind regards Ian.
March 5, 2016
TomBlantonJust trying to help by adding this, i started swinging a beach towel with a knot tied on one end and by overlapping my right hand over my left for gripping the club/towel as one unit or connection point, don’t separate your hands on the towel. This drill will get you using your body to swing the club instead of your arms. I know Paul is constantly teaching us all this and he is constantly right. Just saying that swinging the towel, which you can do indoors by the way, will fix a lot of swing problems. This has me hitting my driver, at 51 years old, better than i ever did in my 20’s. When you tee off just visualize the towel swing and prepare to be amazed.
March 6, 2016
Paul WilsonTom,
That’s great. Maybe other will benefit from it.