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Match Hips – Part 2
Paul Wilson
on January 20, 2024
Tags: body rotation golf swingGolf Swing Hipsgolf swing triggerships in the golf swing
Author Description
Paul Wilson is the creator of Swing Machine Golf and founder of Ignition Golf. Paul's golf swing technique is based on the Iron Byron swing machine. YouTube Channels: Paul Wilson Golf and Ignition Golf Tips. Please Join me on Google+
33 Responses to “Match Hips – Part 2”
September 27, 2015
Please make a further confirming statement supplementing “you want your hips 45 degrees open at the moment of impact”. Are the shoulders uniform with the hips 45 degree open position or not? Where would the best position be for the shoulders to have the best impact with the ball and avoid either cutting across the ball or pulling the ball to the left?
Thank You
September 29, 2015
Paul WilsonCraig,
These tips would easily be found in the dashboard under FULL Swing > IMPACT > BODY. Still trying to train people how to use it.
Here they are:
Shoulders At Impact:
Lower Body Through Impact (top View):
Impact Hip Rotation (at camera):
September 27, 2015
Robert A.CliffordI’ve always understood that on the back-swing the goal was to turn away from the target to the maximum of my flexibility. So, instead of rotating on the back-swing to 45 degrees, is more than that better?
September 29, 2015
Paul WilsonRobert,
You need to keep the ratio between the shoulders/hips/knees and feet. If you turn your shoulders 90 and hips 60 that is the wrong ration. If you can turn your shoulders 100 and hips 50 that would be good. If you can turn your shoulders 100 and hips 45 even better. This is what Rory does.
I know it feels more powerful to turn more. This puts the power in your arms because you are doing a longer swing. I want you coiling back as much as you can coil back until you feel the tightness of the coil (torque). Once coiled you uncoil the lower.
Uncoil 1:
Uncoil 2:
September 28, 2015
Can you use this drill with the stick to check your hip position at the end of your follow through?
September 29, 2015
Paul WilsonRoy,
Sure, just be very careful if you are doing swings. The stick may catch on your belt if you do it wrong. Do it as I show then go to follow through. I am trying to get your hips more open at impact.
September 28, 2015
DaleJenkinsPaul, do you feel the upper part of the left arm being pulled down when you rotate your hips from the top of the backswing? I recently got this sensation after three years of trying to eliminate hands and arms and starting the downswing by initiating with the quadriceps of the left leg, followed a millisecond later with a rotation of hips. I take the pull-down sensation in the left arm as an indication that I finally am doing it right. Do you agree?
September 29, 2015
Paul WilsonDale,
I am not feeling my arms coming down. Maybe because I am purposely not trying to hit and really trying to drive my legs hard.b In your case you are feeling the connection of the arms to the body. I may be feeling this too but i have done it so long that I am never thinking of it. It does sound like you are on track though. If you just pulled your arms down they would be moving more than what your body told them to move so you many not feel this connection. Now you are so I think you are on track.
September 28, 2015
RaymondCHASTELPaul,Excellent drill to teach YOUR ” lazy ” hips to work the proper way .Working on the hips is not enough though ,the legs must stay in position,providing the necessary résistance to provide the torque OF the ” spring ” .I watched carefully YOUR legs :it seems to me you don’t flex the right knee ,or if So ,very moderately .Having the right leg straight ,not flexed ,enables a better shoulder Turn ,biut in reverse hinders the proper push from the right Instep.So ,right leg straight in the backswing ,or flexed at the knee ?
The ” LYDIA KO” drill ,with a rubber band looped around the lower legs is excellent to provide the,résistance needed to” COIL “the spring “.
To,see if you improve ,count how many coils you CAN perform in 10 seconds …
September 29, 2015
Paul WilsonRaymond,
I do flex the back knee and have done many tips on it. Maybe it is not noticeable because I was just doing a quick drill and talking at the same time.
So keep the knee flexed.
Flex Back Knee:
Flexed Back Knee Holding Knee:
Secret of the Starting the Downswing (using triggers – off big toe curve):
DRILL: Bounce On Back Knee:
Power: Keep the Flex In The Back Knee:
How To Feel Stability In The Lower Body (back knee flex)
September 28, 2015
RaymondCHASTELPaul ,”All the roads leads to ROME ”
I came across a long video bt CHUCK QUINTON (ROTARY GOLF ) “demonstrating” at the TAYLOR MADE CENTER ,that increasing the hip speed rotation from 170°/s to 370°/s influences only minimally the distance.
Then there’s the opposite theory (Yours,which I share )by you and by my old friend BOB PRICHARD from SOMAX PERFORMANCE INSTITUTE (“THE EFFICIENT GOLFER “)who shows in action “the Black Knight”GARY PLAYER where his hips rotate from 60° in the backswing to 60° in the throughswing(Compared to your 45°/45°) .
Mathematically speaking ,you are right :the formula for Torque is GAMMA= I x OMEGA ,
“I” is your body and the club ,GAMMA is transmitted to the clubhead and ball .
The faster you ACCELERATE (OMEGA )the more Torque .
So I believe you are right and CHUCK QUINTON wrong!
September 29, 2015
Paul WilsonRaymond,
If hip rotation didn’t increase power no pro would have their hips open at impact. Why would they if there was not return. So, not sure why people would not want to increase their speed.
September 29, 2015
JohnSalvaggioLooks and sounds good BUT where’s the Touch The Legs?
September 29, 2015
Paul WilsonJohn,
It’s a hip drill to get your hips moving. Glad you figured it out.
September 29, 2015
JohnSalvaggioOoooppps My bad. This drill is to IMPACT not to follow through, touching the legs.
December 3, 2015
RegLakeHi Paul,
My downswing trigger is, pushdown with my right big toe, to bring my knees together.
should I be thinking more about rotating my hips and rotating them harder.
you also say that we should swing easy, but in this video you say we will not get the distance unless we rotate the hips hard or faster ??
December 3, 2015
Paul WilsonReg,
There are times when you will be feeling your arms. This would be when you are working on your swing and swing positions. Once you build your swing then you turn them off.
If this is your trigger you are triggering your swing which should be turning your hips faster. That is the whole point.
Power: How I Got Power In My Swing:
I have done this for many years. I try to swing at 80%. If you are building up your swing speed then you will be trying to get used to driving your legs and hips harder and harder until you are good at it. Once at this level then you back it off and turn the arms off. If you always swing at 100% you will probably hit it everywhere but if you never try to increase your speed you will never get more distance. So get the distance then control it.
When To Use Your Arms:
December 16, 2015
DrewHi Coach,
After you pointed out my strong grip and me fixing that, my focus is now on the hips. I had a huge revelation using a nifty iphone app called GolfMTRx by zeroline golf that measures hip rotation and speed. My hip rotation in the backswing is in range according to the app, around 30 degrees and 40 open at impact. My hip speed was average (350) nowhere near pro speeds ( Rory driver- 700 ). It calculates Peak Time, the point of time during the downswing before impact that your hips reach top speed and begin to decelerate. My problem was that I reached peak speed and there was no real deceleration until after impact. The makers of the app do not suggest trying to slow up hip rotation but to do some drills to get the upper body more active which will decelerate the hips before impact giving the torso and arms time to catch up and bring the club to the ball efficiently with max power. What drills would you suggest to achieve this? Would the orange whip training devices help? It would be cool to see what your awesome swing would register on this app. Thanks for any advice.
December 17, 2015
Paul WilsonDrew,
I had the app. Not sure how accurate it is because the phone is moving around in your pocket. I think I used it once. Can’t remember the data.
Hard to imagine your hips are 40 degrees open and you are not generating the kind of speed a pro would generate plus no amateur player I see is turning their hips anywhere near that much. Typically, they are flat footed at impact with about 15-20 degrees rotation. If you are not about a 7 hndcp or less you are not doing it.
30 hip rotation going back is not correct either. Typically, average players are at least 50 degrees (no torque). 30 degrees is less than pros so again this would not make sense unless you had a 60 degree shoulder rotation.
In every great swing your the hips come to a complete stop in the swing at approx 40 degrees rotation open. I show this here:
Impact Hip Rotation (at camera):
Forget the orange whip. This is a new version of the whippy tempomaster from 30 years ago.
What you need to be doing is mastering my swing positions and doing tons of swings holding the club off the ground. You need to look like a great player when you swing. Great players have the right fundamentals. If you don’t look like a pro you don’t have them. My positions would make you look like a pro. So you do them and master them. Then you increase the speed of the hips (doing my favorite drill).
So here are the positions:
Follow Through
Legs Touching:
Secret of the Starting the Downswing (using triggers – off big toe curve):
One Of The Secrets To The Golf Swing:
Spine Angle Follow Through:
Move Head:
3 Ways to Set The Top of the Backswing:
One Piece Takeaway:
These are all in the Dashbaord. FULL SWING > FIRST SLIDE > LESSONS. The 8 lessons I teach everyone are there so this is a great place to start.
The do these drills constantly:
DRILL: My Favorite Drill – Variation 2:
DRILL: Listen to Club Swinging:
DRILL: How To Really Increase Power:
You may want to do a swing analysis with Pete at some point. He we check it for you to so you will know exactly what you are doing right or wrong.
February 20, 2016
I just made a video of my swing and am having Pete analyze it. Sent it yesterday. But when I actually took a look at it, it shows exactly what you mentioned that the reason I have a 30 hip turn in the backswing is because my shoulder rotation is only about 60. This means my backswing only goes 3/4 back….yikes. My proportions look good but extremely limited. When I practice in the mirror doing the helicopter drill I nail a 90 degree shoulder turn but in reality when hitting a ball, my backswing is short. I just watched all your short backswing and shoulder turn vids and plan on working on those tips, but now I know why I struggle with distance. I’m sure Pete will point out what needs to be done,but what would you suggest as a main drill that I should be workin on every night.
Thanks Coach
February 21, 2016
Paul WilsonDrew,
Why are you only turning your shoulders 60 degrees. This is way too little turn. Anyone should be able to get to at least 70-75 degrees I don’t care how tight the person is so I think you are doing something severely wrong there. From there you will have no power. So you need to start coiling better.
When people aren’t turning their shoulders they are usually dipping the shoulders or their chin is down too much at address or too tilted at address. So look at these areas. Pete is out of commission for a few days. Once he’s back he will get back to you.
July 6, 2018
BasilioDiegoDear Paul,
Amazing drill … great fundamentals!
July 8, 2018
Paul WilsonDiego,
Glad you liked it. Thanks.
July 7, 2018
Amazing that you put this tip out. Recently I have been thinking of asking you if putting a cut down dowel rod (perhaps painted orange or yellow) through my belt loops would be helpful when having someone film my swing to determine the extent of hip rotation at impact.
From looking at my old swings on video, my right foot was very flat and I had very little hip rotation. No wonder I have been a short hitter. I will continue to try to remedy this by driving forward with my right foot as my downswing trigger.
Also, a side note, following you has greatly helped me identify all the bad swing instruction out there. My friend recently spent a week at a high-end golf school in SoCal. I asked him what changes the instructor had him make. His response was that the instructor wanted him to use a stronger grip then supinate his left wrist going back to keep the club face square to the target line for as long as possible. Totally absurd since one bad move will now require a second move to correct it later in the swing. Really bad stuff. I love the way you have made me understand the the whys of what you instruct. His guy could not stand up to such scrutiny.
Mike Barrett
July 8, 2018
Paul WilsonMike,
Glad you liked the tip. So many people don’t move their hips. I would say it is at least 90% of those who come to me for lessons. Just got to keep doing this stuff daily. That is the other thing, people don’t do it enough to even get good at it. You cannot take days off if you are working on your swing.
Make sure you do this drill and these too:
Up In The Air Drills – Body Tilt:
Up In The Air Drills – Maintaining Balance:
Up In The Air Drills – Watching The Club Blur:
Up In The Air Drills – Clubhead Release:
Up In The Air Drills – Speed:
Up In The Air Drills – Separation:
So many teachers teach this strong grip but think about it … you have someone hitting it with the slice spin and you get them to pull or pull hook it they will think you’re a hero. Problem is you will never do it consistently. I want people to do it right. This is why I explain “why” you need to do it. Keep us posted on your friend. Be interesting to see how he does.
July 8, 2018
Thanks much for the specific tips! As Ignition Golf subscribers, we really appreciate the amount of time you give us in these comment/Q&A sessions included with each tip. My Ignition Golf subscription is the greatest bargain I have ever purchased.
No need for you to further respond. Just know we all really appreciate your hard work to make this game more enjoyable for us.
July 8, 2018
Paul WilsonMike,
Thank you for the support. I wish I had this info when I was starting out. Would have saved me years or wasting my time.
July 7, 2018
EricBarnettPaul, this is very immediate to visualize, understand and its fun, thank you. The speed of this movement belies the apparent calm fluidity watching you take normal shots. Do you do any counter balance excercise to protect your spine from constant high torque assymmetry?
July 8, 2018
Paul WilsonEric,
Glad you like it. Thanks.
I am moving hard and fast. It just doesn’t look like it. This make it deceiving to people watching me. I am firing the lower hard it’s just your upper body moves slow in life. So even the slightest increase translates to a way faster whipping action or release of the club.
In no way does my swing hurt your body. If it does you are doing it wrong so no I don’t have any drills. I have got countless golfers who were in pain playing again with no pain so what I am teaching must be working. Just start out slow and build it up. I have always had a back back. Spondylolisthesis at L5 and about 10 years ago I saw I had almost no disk left (probably from hitting millions of balls). Never hurts playing golf.
July 11, 2018
DanKueblerAfter reviewing drill, laid the clubs down on tile floor while holding an alignment stick parallel to hips. Wow,found out what I am doing on coil – hips are turning to 60 degrees minimum on the coil!!!! Have never experienced the stretch in lat muscles that you talk about Paul, no wonder!! Thus, did same movement slowly while attempting to keep the belt buckle on center mass – Hmmmm, all of a sudden I can feel the lat stretch in my right lower back. Think I’m back to square one on learning the proper coil. Comments??
July 11, 2018
Paul WilsonDan,
My comments are … very good! This is a huge part of the swing that you were not doing. Now that you know it please keep doing it … forever. This should really improve your swing.
July 11, 2018
DanKueblerMost important thing left out – NO TORQUE??!!! Certainly can feel the torque now by attempting to keep the belt buckle straight forward and coil the shoulders to 90 degrees.. Wow, this will take some work on muscle memory working on the tile…
July 11, 2018
Paul WilsonDan,
The torque makes it consistent.