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Drill: Hinge Up and Turn
Paul Wilson
on March 22, 2018
Tags: Follow Throughgolf swing follow through positionhow to follow through in golf
Author Description
Paul Wilson is the creator of Swing Machine Golf and founder of Ignition Golf. Paul's golf swing technique is based on the Iron Byron swing machine. YouTube Channels: Paul Wilson Golf and Ignition Golf Tips. Please Join me on Google+
33 Responses to “Drill: Hinge Up and Turn”
December 9, 2013
DOUGTANZERthe camera needs to show your footwork in this video too!
December 9, 2013
Paul WilsonDoug,
Why? The tip is about the club splitting the ears not what the feet are doing. Watch some of the other Follow Through tips on the other positions to understand the lower body action.
Go to the red nav bar under:
August 24, 2017
drj0420No it doesn’t
December 9, 2013
RaymondCHASTELPaul,Should this “Finish”position be adopted for the shorter shots Like when you pitch within 50 yards or exit from the sand ,or do you counsel an “abbreviated ” position ?
December 9, 2013
Paul WilsonRaymond,
If you are doing a full swing the follow through should be complete and consistent. If you are hitting 3/4 pitch shots and less then you would abbreviate your follow through.
December 12, 2013
BenG’day Paul,
Thanks for this simple and effective tip. I practiced this on the back deck and immediately the ‘light switched on’, I had been loosing
my spine angle in the follow through. The weight on the string was not rotating at 90degs into the follow through. The shaft had been hitting the side of my head (at best) rather than parallel to the eyes. With the constant forward tilt I got that light touch on the back of the head.
On the course, I hit a few errant shots incorporating this into my swing, usual stuff with something different for the first time. With my downswing trigger combined with the forward tilt into the finish I got a better release. I started using my 9 iron where I had been using an 8 or 7 iron.
December 13, 2013
Paul WilsonBen,
That’s great. I keep stressing how important this position is. I wonder how many are listening? I know you are.
December 12, 2013
RaymondCHASTELPaul ,
One interesting part of your teaching is THE assimilation you make of THE clubhead and shaft attached to a string rotating at. 90
December 13, 2013
Paul WilsonRaymond,
And I have had followers of that system bad mouth me on other boards. Funny how people with no clue what I teach feel compelled to try to bring me down.
The problem with just swinging the clubhead is that you do not know where the clubhead is going to end up so in 2 seconds you will be back to whacking at the ball. I do like the fact they want you to be loose and allow the clubhead to swing wherever it wants but as I said, you need specific points with feedback to tell you if you are doing them right or not. This way you can repeat the motion and it never falls apart.
December 13, 2013
RaymondCHASTELPaul ,I had n
August 24, 2017
LawrencekherkherPaul. I practiced for a month using the swing speed radar and was getting disappointing results without using a ball. To my amazement when I used a ball the readings were 95 – 100 . Does that make sense that you have to use a ball to measure club head speed.
Very Happy
August 27, 2017
Paul WilsonLarry,
Yes, no ball and the results aren’t great. 95-100 puts you in the top 10% of all golfers who come out for lessons. Most cannot get it over 90mph. Good job. Not sure why it doesn’t register well without the ball.
August 25, 2017
This is a super simple drill. I keep practising turning my torso and the powerless arms + keeping my spine angle but what other things might I be doing that prevents this finish?
August 27, 2017
Paul WilsonSusan,
The things that prevent people from doing the follow is hitting the ball, not thinking of doing the position, too tight, sliding too much laterally, stance too wide, no weight shift. There could be more but those are the main ones. Just do it in a mirror and look for correct positioning. If so, just keep doing it every night until you know no other way to swing. My positions give you feedback so you know what to look for and to know if you are doing them or not. Get used to this feedback and look for it on every swing you make forever.
August 25, 2017
AnthonyGuidiceThat’s a great tip. A great way to check the elbows. No other teacher goes into detail like this.
Chicken-winging – arm swinging – man, that’s a tough habit to break. I get angry pondering the s##t golf instruction I’ve had where they didn’t mention this, or don’t know it exists.
How easy that is, for idiot teachers to tweak an incidental element and ignore an 80% element – like arm swinging. Real experts are so g##damn rare. I’ll bet on hens teeth any time.
August 27, 2017
Paul WilsonAnthony,
Thanks. Glad you liked it. I teach the way I teach because I want everyone to look like a pro when they swing. Pros have the right fundamentals. If you don’t look like a pro when you swing, you don’t have them. Why play this game if you don’t have the right fundamentals? Problem is, everyone want to whack at the ball so they don’t do the positions. It is a different way to think. Do the positions. Get the swing. Ball comes later.
I was just lucky enough to see Iron Byron and relate it to the human swing. Everyone else is guessing. I say that because before the machine I was guessing too. Now I never guess and I am never wrong because the machine is never wrong. It really is the answer to the golf swing yet few people get it.
March 22, 2018
BenjaminBerryWhat a great feel drill ,Paul. Thanks so much.
March 22, 2018
LeeDanekerHi Paul,
I am doing the set up position that you teach, and I think that I am starting the downswing with my lower body. The result has been that I am driving better than I have ever done. I am the smallest and oldest guy in a foursome with which I play regularly, and I am pretty consistently the longest driver. I am hitting my long and medium irons well too. However, all my clubs from 9 and up I am hitting really badly when I am doing my full swing with these clubs. Do you have any idea why your method is working well for me with the longer clubs but not with the shorter? I think that I am doing everything the same with long and short clubs. Thanks. Lee
March 23, 2018
Paul WilsonLee,
When people get shorter clubs in their hand they tend to bend over and hit down. So check that you cannot clearly see your toes with these clubs. Feel circular with the shoulder rotation not up an down like a see saw. Also, let me know what you are doing. Hitting it badly doesn’t tell me much. Check these things and let me know.
March 23, 2018
Greg vonSeegerI have the same question as LeeDaneker. For some reason, the looseness of the arms is easier to do with the longer shafted clubs. Thoughts? Thanks as always Paul.
March 23, 2018
Paul WilsonGreg,
Here is my reply to Lee:
When people get shorter clubs in their hand they tend to bend over and hit down. So check that you cannot clearly see your toes with these clubs. Feel circular with the shoulder rotation not up an down like a see saw. Also, let me know what you are doing. Hitting it badly doesn’t tell me much. Check these things and let me know.
March 23, 2018
GeorgeCaffertyGreat tip Paul,
Perhaps this question is more of a backswing or coil question. I noticed watching the pros from behind (righty golfer), that their backswings appear to be forcing both legs to move– with the right leg moving back and left leg bending away from the body. However, in your backswing I don’t see much leg movement until you do your “touch the legs”. Is the leg movement part of a proper coil? I hope I explained that correctly. Thoughts?
March 23, 2018
Paul WilsonGeorge,
I want the lower to be stable as you go back. You are coiling your shoulders (which move the most) not the legs. So you coil around a stable base which gives you the torque. Keep in mind these guys are way more flexible than I am. I don’t even coil to 90 degrees going back. If they are coiling to 105-110 they are moving way more than I am. So you coil your upper. This pulls the lower into position. This gives you the tight coil. Once tight, you uncoil.
March 23, 2018
WillCooperI think that the “touch the head” position is the most important part of the golf swing. Recently, I started using the swing thought, “A to B, A to B” before starting the backswing. “B” is of course the final follow-through position which includes “touch the head,” “knees touching,” “body slightly tilted,” “forward leg straight,” and “weight on forward leg, and back foot elevated on the toes.” When I think “A to B” all I’m thinking about is getting from the top of the backswing (“A”) to the “touch the head”position (“B”). I try to block out any thought of hitting the ball at all. It’s been working for me like a charm. I’m hitting much better more consistently. I’m feeling a lot more confidence in my swing and far less anxiety standing over the ball. I think that achieving the right follow through, as Paul teaches, is the key to building a successful golf swing.
March 25, 2018
Paul WilsonWill,
Very good. I keep saying it. Glad you are doing it and seeing the benefit of going from A to B.
March 30, 2018
JohnBensonThat’s great Will… I concur!
March 26, 2018
I watched a video by tony Luzak who coached Jamie Sadlowski (long drive champ) for 13 months. He was demonstrating how only 12% of club head speed comes from lower body. The other 88% comes from torso, arm and hand speed. A student was measured swinging feet together (no leg drive). Then swinging seated (no hip drive). He had a swing speed of 88 mph using no lower body. He then hit a full swing using everything (upper and lower body). and achieved 104 mph. Hit about 5 shots in each sequence and averaged. Doesn’t This go against your theory hips driving the soft arms for speed? Thanks. Joe
March 26, 2018
Paul WilsonJoseph,
Not at all. I say the speed comes from hinging and re-hinging and the hinge being loose. The thing this this hinging unit has to be connected to something. This something is your body turning. You can turn faster using your legs and hips. This is exactly what you are saying and what I have always said.
What Powers Your Swing (legs/arms):
Let me see the same demonstration without turning the shoulders. Good luck if Sadlowski could even hit it 100 yards. If hitting it with no leg drive was better why don’t long drivers hit it off their knees? None do.
April 9, 2018
TrevorRoseHey Paul,
To correct the problem with the long and short irons, I had my PGA professional fitted all my irons the same length 36 1/2″. Your positions work perfectly with them. Hit my wedges higher with more control, pitching and chipping is so much easier and accurate. My friends no call Phil . No more bending over.
Great job Paul.
September 30, 2018
JimBenjaminI’ll have to send you a video of what I can do. I can hinge my wrists in the follow through but I can’t get my arm behind my head. I had a frozen left shoulder for 25 years and had it replaced in 2012. I also had a torn bicep and a torn rotator cuff. I can’t get my left arm pointing straight up. Sorry.
October 1, 2018
Paul WilsonJim,
You are going to need to find a place on the shoulder etc where you can allow the club to touch. If so, then you can hit this spot every time. Can you not find a spot like this? If so you’re going to have to figure out a way you can repeat it. This is what I’m worried about if you can’t touch the club in any way to your body. Think about it this way and let me know.
October 1, 2018
JimBenjaminOk, I see what you’re doing. You want a point of feedback. I can hinge the club in the follow through and touch the shaft of the club to my neck just above my left shoulder with the grip end of the club pointing left of the target. That’s about as far as my shoulder will travel backwards. I can’t get the grip end to 90 degrees of the target line, maybe 30 degrees or so.
October 2, 2018
Paul WilsonJim.
In your case that is going to be fine because you cannot go more than that. Yes, this is feedback so you hit the exact same position with every club, every shot, forever. You do a different swing, you will get a different result. We need consistency.